Chronos Award Rules 2009

Dec 12, 2009 08:03

The Continuum Foundation is currently preparing to award the second Chronos Awards for excellence in Victorian SF, fantasy and horror in 2009. The current rules are presented below for information. Nominations will be opened on 13 December 2009 and arcadiagt5 will be co-ordinating these.

1.0 Preamble
1.1 The Chronos Awards recognise excellence in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror by Victorians.

2.0 Categories
2.1 Professional Categories:
Best Long Fiction (including collected works);
Short Fiction;
Best Artwork.
2.2 Fan Categories:
Best Fan Writer;
Best Fan Artist;
Best Fan Written Work;
Best Fan Art Work;
Best Fan Publication in any Medium.
2.3 Special Award for works not eligible in existing categories:
Best Achievement.

3.0 Hosting Criteria
3.1 The Chronos Awards are overseen by the Continuum Foundation.
3.2 The awards may be hosted by any general science fiction, fantasy or horror event in Victoria.
3.3 Groups or organisations focussed on a single franchise or sub-culture are not eligible to host the awards.
3.4 Groups or organisations wishing to host the awards must apply to the Continuum Foundation nominating the event at which the awards will be presented.
3.5 The Continuum Foundation may grant the hosting of the awards to one event in each calendar year.
3.6 The Continuum Foundation must set a maximum fee for an awards voting membership. Any full or supporting membership for the event at which the awards will be presented whose price exceeds the maximum fee for an awards voting membership must include eligibility to vote for the Chronos Awards
3.7 The Continuum Foundation may require the group or organisation hosting the awards to offer a separate awards voting membership that grants no other entitlements to the event at which the awards will be presented.
3.8 The group or organisation hosting the awards must pay for the full cost of award trophies and certificates.
3.9 The group or organisation hosting the awards may retain all fees charged for awards voting memberships for the event at which the awards will be presented

4.0 Eligibility Criteria
4.1 Timeliness: Works are eligible if they were first published or released anywhere in the world in an edition dated in the calendar year immediately preceding the year the award is held.
4.2 Residence in Victoria: Nominees are eligible if they were residing in the state of Victoria in the year their nominated work was released
4.3 Eligibility of committee members: The awards will be administered by a sub-committee of the event hosting the awards, and the members of the sub-committee will not be eligible for an award. The Continuum Foundation shall rule on issues of conflict of interest.
4.4 Long Fiction: Any work of sf/f/h of more than 40,000 words including collected works.
4.4.1 Collected Work: A collected work is a sf/f/h collection or anthology, magazine or journal, ezine or webzine which must pay contributors in other than contributor copies and incidentals, or the editor/s of which declare the work to be professional. To be eligible the collected work must have been produced in Victoria, or at least one of it’s major editors must have been a citizen of Victoria for the relevant calendar year. At least one edition of a collected work must have been issued in the eligible calendar year.
4.5 Short Fiction: Any work of sf/f/h up to 40,000 words.
4.6 Best Artwork: An artwork is a single work or series of related works of art in any medium other than text.
4.7 Fan Writer and Fan Artist: These awards are made to writers or artists for a work or body of work first published, released, or made available for public viewing in the eligible calendar year. The writer or artist must have received no payment other than contributor copies and other incidentals (coffee mug, t-shirt, poster, etc.)
4.8 Fan Written Work: This award is made for a single written work first published, released, or made available for public viewing in the eligible calendar year. See Fan Writer and Fan Artist above for eligibility rules.
4.9 Fan Art work: This award is made for a single art work first published, released, or made available for public viewing in the eligible calendar year. See Fan Writer and Fan Artist above for eligibility rules.
4.10 Fan Publication: This award is for work in any medium first published, released, or made available for public viewing in the eligible calendar year. The writer or artist must have received no payment. Eligible works include, but are not limited to, a periodical, journal, ezine or webzine
4.11 Special Awards: Special awards recognise outstanding achievements in science fiction fantasy, or horror not eligible in the existing categories.

5.0 Nomination Process
5.1 Eligible nominators and voters: Nominations will be accepted only from natural persons active in fandom, or from full or supporting members of the event hosting the award. Where a nominator may not be known to the Awards subcommittee, the nominator should provide the name of someone known to the subcommittee who can vouch for the nominator’s eligibility.
5.2 Nominations: The nomination may nominate any number of works in any category. However, the nominator may nominate any given work only once in a category. All nominations must include the name of the nominator. Where a nominated mark does not meet the criteria for its nominated category, the committee may move the nomination to the appropriate category; or where a work does not meet any criteria, refuse the nomination.
5.3 Timing of Nominations: Nominations shall be open for a minimum of 30 days. Postal nominations shall be counted as valid based on postmark or receipt, whichever is earliest, if received before the final deadline set by the committee.

6.0 Final Ballot
6.1 Number of finalists: The five nominees with the most nominations shall appear on the final ballot. In the event of a tie for fifth place, up to seven finalists may appear on the final ballot. In the event of a four-way tie (or more) for fifth place, only the top four finalists shall appear on the ballot.
6.2 Minimum nominations for finalists: To appear on the ballot a finalist must attract a minimum of four nominations in the Professional categories, or two in the Fan and Special Awards categories.
6.3 Order of finalists: Finalists shall appear in randomised order.
6.4 No Award: “No Award” shall appear last on the ballot for all categories.

7.0 Voting
7.1 Preferential Voting: Voting in each category shall take place according to a preferential system.
7.2 Eligibility: Votes will be accepted from any member of the event hosting the awards whose membership price equalled or exceeded the awards voting membership. This eligibility may include any full, supporting, or awards voting only memberships. Any individual is only eligible to vote once.
7.3 Tied Winners: In the event of a tie for winner in any category, all tied works will be deemed to have won the award.
7.4 Timing: Voting shall be open for a minimum of 30 days. Voting periods may differ for postal ballots and other ballots. Postal ballots shall be counted as valid based on postmark or receipt, whichever is earlier, if received before the deadline for other ballots or the deadline for final receipt set by the committee.

8.0 The Physical Nature of the Trophy: The finished trophy must contain as part of it’s design, a stylised clock-face with no numbers and the mathematical symbol for infinity at the twelve o’clock point.
8.1 Finalist Certificates: All finalists shall receive an A4 certificate honouring their achievement.

fandom, conventions, chronos awards, continuum

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