Mar 05, 2004 21:33
In reply to a thread on the darwin-kernel mailing list that I had commented on about Mac OS X and file systems:
Finally, I'd like to reiterate the comments I made in the Q&A. The
fact that Apple doesn't encourage or support stacking doesn't mean
that you can't do it. It just means that a) you can't get official
support from DTS, and b) you will probably suffer more binary
compatibility problems than if you were developing a supported
product. However, we have no secrets--the entire kernel source is
available via Darwin--and there's a variety of unofficial support
resources (such as this list). Marek is even using this technology
in a commercial product and he hasn't (yet) been abducted by the
Apple Kernel Purity Police (tm) (-:
This really made my day and got a good chuckle out of it to boot. :)