I made my dad's birthday cheese cake today.
This recipe (under the cut) came from Stork Margarine back in, I am guessing, the early 1970s - so before a whole load of you were born *g* Mum used to make it for dad and she thought it terribly profligate - I mean CURD CHEESE!!! *g Anyway, I thought I would have a go this year and much to my surprise - it came out perfectly. You need to leave it somewhere cool for a couple of days before eating, allows all the flavours to come through.
But guys it wont keep in warm weather so if you bake it - eat up quickly!!!
It is YUMMY!
Rich short pastry (base)
5oz Stork Margarine
8oz Plain Flour
Pinch of salt
1 rounded dessertspoon castor sugar
1 tablespoon water
Milk, castor sugar and grated nutmeg to coat
Rub stork into sieved flour/salt. Stir in sugar. Mix with water. Form into ball with fingertips. Turn out onto floured board. Roll out thinly, and line and 8 inch square shallow tin.
Add the filling….
8oz curd cheese
1 medium sized floury cooked potato sieved (yes cooked potato and yes … sieved)
2oz melted Stork Margareine
2 egg yolks
3 heaped dessertspoons biscuit crumbs
3oz castor sugar
Finely grated rind and juice of two small lemons
A little grated nutmeg
Mix all the ingredients together and pour pastry lined tin, spreading evenly. Press scraps of pastry together, roll out and cut narrow strips and arrange in lattice pattern. Brush with milk, sprinkle with castor sugar and trated nutmeg.
Bake in very moderate oven - gas mark 3 or 335 degrees F for 1¼-1½ hours on the second from top shelf. Cool in tin. Cut in squares or fingers when cold.