Help Required!

Jul 05, 2004 22:44

I discovered over the weekend that we have a programme in the house called Photo adobe or something very like it. Can someone tell me if that means I can make icons! I want icons, I does precious, I does! I want one of Ed Norton looking mean, moody and magnificent *g - guess why* Want one of Orli and one of Orli and Vig, oh and one of Karl 'cos I've had a thing for him for an age. So rather than rely on the kindess of strangers, would be cool if I could do 'em myself. Any tips would be gratefully received and I'll pay you back in friendship!

Is Monday evening and I'm knackered, having partied a little over the weekend. Went to Mezzo's in Soho, used to be very wanky and isn't anymore, hey, the beautiful people have obviously moved on. Cost £7 a g&t btw...

Think I'll start heading off to bed now.

Night y'all...
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