Mar 17, 2005 16:02
Went to see mum's consultant and it's pretty grim.
Basically she has a fuck off tumour which is not operable. They will try and buy her some remission time with a wopping great big dose of chemo but this time it's terminal.
The thing is, cos she has an aggressive session of treatment last year, they can't repeat that cocktail and they have to find a new one, it is not going to be pretty.
In the meantime, her calcium levels are all fucked - as a result of the cancer and this means she is confused. She cries a lot. She has dreams that she thinks are real and when I see her, I can barely see the woman who marched against the War, what? Two years ago.
But ... today the sun is shining, it's mild, spring is in the air. Who can fail to feel optimistic. I know I won't always feel like this, far from it but at least right now I do. I guess I am thinking, at least we all get the chance to say the things that matter - not everyone does, do they...
Thanks btw, to all of you for being so wonderful, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your wonderfulness; some of you have listened to me way beyond the call of duty and I love you for it, very much!