Walk on By XX

Dec 29, 2007 23:35

WALK ON BY - XX ( Read more... )

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Comments 46

koulagirl666 December 30 2007, 00:06:03 UTC
One can barely tell that there was such a gap between chapters, because this flows so naturally in both style and voice from the last one. It's kind of nice to see Orlando and Viggo trying to function domestically now that Orlando's not an authority figure to Viggo, and the fact that it doesn't work makes it more real than it would be if everything was all fine and dandy. It's also an interesting kind of foreshadowing, because you give us just enough to suspect that everything will be going to pot soon enough.

*huggles you*


dalehead December 30 2007, 09:57:30 UTC
Actually that was my main worry, that there would be no continuity so thank you very much!

Hopefully I can push on through and put this to bed! I hope!



chaosmanor December 30 2007, 00:25:37 UTC
Fabulous to see more of this!

*adores you and the story*

as an indication of how much I wanted to read this, I'm squinting through the visual disturbances of a migraine, because I can't wait half an hour until my vision clears.


dalehead December 30 2007, 10:00:03 UTC

My new year's resolution if I made them would be to make more effort to keep in touch!

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel re WoB! It has taken me SO long!

I hope you feel better soon darling and thank you for reading!

*loves muchly*


mochalover December 30 2007, 02:46:48 UTC
When as Orlando begun to snore, he decided that yes, he’d rather have a lover who snored and protected him than one who said I love you twenty times a day.

I like how you describe Viggo, waking up in a cold sweat, hearing Orlando snore, and he seems to feel so distant from Orlando and put off by his peripheral anger, and then hearing him snore after Orlando has professed his love; the same snoring in the same piece has two completely different interpretations to Viggo, wanting to leave at one point, and then wanting to stay.

Orlando doesn't indulge in girly soppiness, but he does engage in honest communication when he realizes it's necessary, and he's capable of it, and of caring, deeply.

Police Complaints Commission? I'm glad that Orlando and Viggo had their night in peace and quiet before they were rudely awoken... I wonder how Orlando will be able to protect Viggo if he finds himself in an inquiry and his anger issues potentially rising to the surface...


dalehead December 30 2007, 10:01:36 UTC
Girly soppiness is a consummation devoutly to be avoided! *g*

As to what will happen - all will be come clear! At some point.



bee_ta_baby December 30 2007, 03:02:30 UTC
*dies* Thank you


dalehead December 30 2007, 10:10:14 UTC
*laughs* Don't die!!!!


mistry89 December 30 2007, 06:41:25 UTC
Delighted to see this, and very worried. From a problem they can deal with themselves, to the uncontrollable Outside World.
Thank you!


dalehead December 30 2007, 10:11:59 UTC
*beams* I will try not to let you worry too long! I am hoping to push on through with the next chapter today.


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