Drabble - The End

Jul 02, 2006 21:10

Okay, this is the last drabble; as Sherlock Holmes remarked, the mark of a true artiste is knowing when to stop. I will miss the series, who knows, I may start again with another thread in the near future. This is an ambiguous ending I think, I hope! This is for anyone who has read and enjoyed.He can’t sleep. He can’t eat. When he looks into the ( Read more... )

the wire

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Comments 13

zee113 July 3 2006, 02:35:14 UTC
Hey lovely :)

This was very dark, but so was the whole series, unlike the first one when I fell in love with you and bdsm... Dunno what to think about the subject (actually I just figured it out while writing this), but I still love your drabble-y things. And WoB, you're writing it again, YAY! :D

Remember my promise about a Table of Content of all your fics? Guess what, I just went through your LJ (scary, when you think of it), and have all the chapters, names and links. There are two ways to set this up, but I'm sending you an email about them. Not right now, 'cause it's so late it's early, so I need to go to bed. See ya tomorrow. *kisses*


dalehead July 3 2006, 08:02:46 UTC
*hugs* Thank you lovely Zee! I needed closure on this set of drabble-y stuff!

WoB will resume when I can sit at my puter without cooking! Its v hot and my living room is south facing!

Thanks again, you are a STAR!



zee113 July 3 2006, 10:27:20 UTC
I'm not asking about WoB, because, honestly, at this point I'm just thankful it is being continued...

Sent you an email :)


koulagirl666 July 3 2006, 07:34:33 UTC
and a fitting ending. =) it is sad, but hopeful, in a way. he's found a way out, and though some may not agree with it, you have made it rather obvious that the extremity is necessary.


dalehead July 3 2006, 08:26:02 UTC
I needed closure, know what I mean?



koulagirl666 July 3 2006, 09:36:52 UTC

*hugs back*


krazykitten46 February 19 2008, 21:31:01 UTC
Wow, didn't see that coming. It's like he tried the other side and just could cut it. This story is dark and pulls at the soul. I'm sitting here with my mouth hanging open and wondering if I will ever be like that.



dalehead February 19 2008, 21:39:21 UTC
*hugs* Why would you? Be like that?


krazykitten46 February 19 2008, 21:45:40 UTC
Because I'm a sub who suspects sometimes that I might want to be a dom.


dalehead February 19 2008, 21:57:42 UTC
If you want to chat - do you want to email me?

dalehead at gmail dot com

Off the boards I mean *nods*


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