This shows some idea of what my day's like.
- 07:21 Good morning world!!! #
- 07:23 @ jdsok I know you did. Neil did get it to me about 10:30 last night, my time, and it's only about 5 minutes of prep from there. #
- 07:25 @ ShinyRosie Have fun! We're going to see it tonight. #
- 07:57 @ jdsok He only sent 18. So beat him up to get 19, Let's not do this again next month! #
- 08:13 @ Jared_Page you've got that time zone thing going on in addition to the usual everyone's busy thing. #
- 08:23 Tea good. Traffic Bad #
- 11:21 On Site. Reinstalling System software after HD Crash, then moving in backed up data & apps #
- 19:29 At the theater with @sfpanda waiting for Star Trek to start. #
- 19:31 @ kokeshi_me hope you have a great day! I'm at the end of a very long day. #
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