This shows some idea of what my day's like.
- 07:42 On the train on the way to day 2 of inbound marketing summit. #ims09 #
- 08:27 Grumble - missed my BART train due to very slow person on ticket machine in front of me. Will be 15 minutes behind yesterday. #ims09 #
- 08:33 @ xbp pretty much the same trains I took yesterday that got me there at 8:45. But yesterday I had an old ticket with some fare on it. #
- 09:55 RT @tornow: a.b.c. - Always Be Connecting, Communicating, (empowering) Community - Lead gen in social media world (via @chrisbrogan) #ims09 #
- 10:00 RT @mashable World's Best Job: Tweet, Drink and Get Paid $10K a Month Perfect for a wine blogger! #
- 11:38 Starting next session at #ims09 on the value of passionate Communities. Building communities, on-line and off-line, really interests me. #
- 11:48 RT @jdsok: yay superman! and supergirl! both good episodes, @jared_page (and @hapes) and @blinkie! #
- 12:01 Next session at #ims09 "the elephants in the Room" Susan Rice-Lincoln - important issues that are ignored. Flew in from paris for conf. #
- 12:21 Looks like I've lost the network. Switching to iPhone #ims09 #
- 13:51 @ cliffatkinson Has it been returned? I guess I just don't expect things like that to happen at conferences like this. #ims09 #
- 13:55 RT @mhill: Twitter IDs should be included next to speaker names in the program. #ims09 Absolutely!! #
- 13:58 Next session is Tim Ferriss, Author of the 4 hour work week. He's coming in over Ustream. #ims09 #
- 14:00 @ mwalsh #ims09 I mostly use the same persona. There are some functions I perform for organizations where I use the org's persona. #
- 14:01 RT @edenhensley: Twitter Ids should be on our badges too. #ims09 #
- 14:37 RT @popky: How Are Consultants Faring in Today's Economy? Participate in WIC’s 8th Annual Compensation Survey #WIC #
- 14:57 Next up is @dharmesh talking about startup marketing. Good news is that inbound marketing can harness creativity instead of money #ims09 #
- 14:59 SEO is helping Google make their customers happy by creating great content. #ims09 #
- 15:03 put website up first, then worry about business plan. Age matters in google rankings. @dharmesh at #ims09 #
- 15:08 @ sfpanda Poor Baby. I'd make you some if I were there. #
- 15:21 RT @JoeMannaLive: Its easy to make excuses, make magic! #ims09 @dharmesh #
- 15:40 next talk "Advocacy, Badvocacy & upsetting apple carts" Love the title #ims09 #
- 15:45 RT @smc90: why people advocate? influentials have moved from experts to online advocates: 45% (36% lowintensity); 1/5 badvocates #ims09 #
- 16:02 The afternoon coffee shortage has reoccurred. Glad I'm a tea drinker! #ims09 #
- 16:15 RT @eperry: "Launch small bite-sized experiments and have the ability to manage it." - Rob Rose #ims09 #
- 16:16 @ mzsa aww! that's so sweet! #
- 16:22 RT @smc90: recurring theme of conference is on publishing as marketing/ content marketing #ims09 #
- 16:23 @ hoovers thanks for all your great notes! #
- 16:25 @ TheRobRose great presentation - thanks! #ims09 #
- 16:57 Next and Last Tim O'Reilly!!! Cool!!! #ims09 "create More Value than you Capture" #
- 16:59 RT @dharmesh: @timoreilly "social media is about how you can add value to the communities that happen to include you". #ims09 #
- 17:03 Watching @timoreilly - Such a pioneer - but still enthusiastic about what he's doing! "Think Big! Think about more than yourself!" #ims09 #
- 17:24 @ rfrancis I've got a list that looks like that too.... #
- 17:25 Work on stuff that matters - Think of big problems that you can solve. @timoreilly #ims09 Good note to end on. #
- 17:54 Heading home. Today seems to be my day to miss my train by seconds. #
- 18:03 @ rfrancis remix, record commentary, take selection, mix, experiment with software & codecs for mixdown, mix some more #
- 18:49 @ winequester that sounds really good! #
- 18:55 @ TWiG a creative addition sounds like a good replacement! #
- 18:58 On caltrain heading home. Afternoon and evening trains should have a bar car - everyone would appreciate it and it'd help the budget! #
- 19:17 @ othelloind sounds good to me! #
- 20:38 Happy to be home. Enjoying a beer while we wait for the pizza delivery #
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