Jan 21, 2005 12:36
Here's a bit about the school I attend.
Yeah, I'm that lazy. I'll tell you that it's based on the work of Sanford Meisner, and I love it. There.
Also, I'm having to deal with right-wing fundamentalist Xians at work. AT WORK! This is a place of business (I'm temping at a FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, for fucksake), and I don't EVER want to hear about how although this cretin ain't evolved from no monkey, she believes the literal interpretation of the Dix bible. She might as well be a Mormon! SO...where are these people from? Seattle is a big ol' liberal hotspot, right? You see, none of these people live in the city proper. These inbred hicks live out in te suburbs, the small towns, the grim little village enclaves that scared Sherlock Holmes so much. It's time we started rooting out these cancerous little tumors of tainted humanity, because cancer ONLY spreads, infecting and destroying the organism. If we look at the US as a creature, we can see that the brain is pretty rotten already, although in this case we can rebuild brain tissue...OK, enough with the metaphor...I HATE these REDNECK Xian TRASH! THEY BREED AND BREED AND DON'T THINK AND RAISE STUPID INBRED FUCKING HICK CHILD'RN...Let's make 'country' the dirty word it needs to be. For instance:
"Man, let's go to the car race and see them cars race!"
"No, that's so...country."
"We awta get the Murkins outta Eye-rak and drop the bawm onnum!"
"Your opinion is nothing but pure country. Useless yammering!"
See? See how easy it is? Pride is something that needs to be taken AWAY from these people. They are PROUU, actually proud to be hillbillies. Oh, they have three cars, a big shitty house in some godawful mall-satellite, a video camera (as evidenced by 'When Rednecks Collide' on FOX and ALLLL the 'tragedy' shows), but they are one step away from the coal mine. Every time a church gets blown away by a tornado, every time a demolition derby fender goes flying into the teeming audience, every time 'GOD' decides he needs another lil' angel in heaven, I feel warm inside. I'm against gun control; I want these shaved apes to have as many weapons around them as possible. Go nuts, Jethro, play with Daddy's gun. It'll make you feel like a big man! Go COLUMBINE on them fellers at school! Hell, make sure you try to get to the SWAT team that comes to take you down first! I want to get rid of home distillation laws; the more radiator shine that these morons down ups the chances of blindness, cancer, and my favorite, trailer-park rage. Government subsidies for trailer parks? Hell, yeah, just make sure we plant the ugly fuckers in 'Tornado Alley'. Is there any way we can slip syphilis into plugs of Red Man? Could we print these bibles with toxic, skin-penetrating ink? Could I offer you $200 for a hysterectomy? Want to hear some Bill Hicks? Want to subscribe to my newsletter?