Relax...Take it easy

May 05, 2007 21:12

Per request of a special friend, I decided a little update was in order. And it seems that it's a long time coming - it's been quite a while!

Life is good.
Of course it has its bumpy spots but, it's pretty good right now.

The semester came to an end Thursday after a tumultuous academic struggle which will probably end up placing me on probation. This semester it was not drinking, partying, and staying up all night that hurt me; it was my unhappiness and attitude.
Ultimately, I think it's best that I continue my education at Campbell, because sometimes, no matter how badly you want things for yourself, you have to sacrifice that for the common good of others, and to see how your decisions would effect other people in the long run. Sometimes you just have to wait for what you want.

The doctors have deemed it in my best interest to put me on yet another AED, causing somewhat extreme side effects. With Zonegran, I'm too moody, or...I don't eat enough. So they give me Lexapro, which is supposed to make me more relaxed and happy...and I guess not satisfied with my mood, they put me on Lamictal, which they are gradually trying to introduce me to, and after 2 weeks of taking 1 25 mg tablet, I am already feeling one of the side effects (Insomnia).
I usually don't go to sleep until about 3:30-4:15AM EVERY night. It causes me to be sleepy during the day. It's a little frustrating, but...whatever. People think you're lazy and slothful.
They're going to pump me with so much medicine one of these days that I'm not gonna have any normalcy left - everything I do will be a side effect. (:-/ :-p )

In other news
I've had the opportunity to be in contact lately with someone I greatly
Mo Collins of MADtv contacted me the other day after watching a video I had made of her character, Doreen Larkin (She also created the "Lorraine Swanson" character) and a little montage of all her funny sayings and expressions.
I put the clip on YouTube and she contacted me saying that it made her day! I was estatic!
She asked if she could put it on her MySpace page and then we just got to talking about a few other things.
So now, I am currently in contact with her, working on getting the video reformatted for her.
The video may have made her day, but establishing contact with "Doreen/Lorraine" made MY day (week/month/year...etc!!)
"The Mo" (as I like to call her) holds a special place to us Clinic boys.
Here is the video

image Click to view

Hope that works.

That's the last few months in a quick recap.

The summer will be busy indeed.
I'm so excited about spending at least one (and maybe 2 more) week(s) with the Best.
Going back to the Big Apple, and back to the Minn. - I guess this is just a summer of going "back" to places.
I'll resume my position at work in between all that too - so busy, busy, busy.
Oooh, and possibly going "northbound"...but, not confirmed, we have yet to see.

I'm off for now.

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