Hat Gang

Aug 31, 2012 10:02

I'm submitting this to an art show with a hat theme. I had a terrible time photographing it, because the light was reflecting in the epoxy. This photo has a green tinge to it, but in real life it's all sepia. It features all vintage paper, a 19th century British penny, a dried white rose, an antique watch dial, a hat pin, a skeleton key, and a Victorian pin.

I like the pin - though I have to admit, it reminds me of the tokens in the game Battleship. Remember that one?

Of course, the stars of the piece are these lovely ladies with their gorgeous hats. The sender of this postcard scrawled along the left side: "What do you think of this gang?" I think they are delightful. I'm torn about whether to call this piece "Hat Gang" or whether to use the inscription as the title.

A close-up of the hat pin. I found it in a local antique store. It has a metal tip with little embossed circles on it.

A close-up of the penny. I bought this in England when I visited there about 10 years ago. The wear on the surface just worked so well with this piece. And you can also see part of the "What do you think of this gang?" inscription on the postcard.

The show is a juried show, which means only the best submissions will be selected. I've never submitted a piece to a juried show before. Wish me luck!
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