Rain, you bastard!

Dec 13, 2007 17:06

A short syllogism:
Premise1: The anti-inflammatory spray I was prescribed smells like fish.
Premise2: I am using the anti-inflammatory spray on my skin.
Premise3: Something around here kind of smells like fish.
Conclusion1: This anti-inflammatory spray is causing me to smell like fish.
Conclusion2: The cats are getting awfully friendly all of a sudden.

Since I know how much you guys love things that are rage inducingly entertaining I thought I should mention
. It had been awhile since I yelled, [Peppy]“Fox! Do a barrel roll!”[/Peppy] at my screen whilst playing a game. Really though, maybe you shouldn’t bother playing it as my real reason for mentioning it is that flywrench 2, which is regrettably not subtitled “Monkey wheel”, will be done in two or three weeks. At that point I will be using the new level editor to introduce levels that perhaps would not make you tear your’ hair out. I for one need that hair, to disappear gradually so other people will know how old I am.

For my birthday I mostly received clothes which is normally a “ho hum” experience except that this time I had a pretty big say in what clothes I was getting. Coincidentally, I now look almost exactly like
this man
I honestly had no idea that the leather jacket would look anything like that, I thought it was going to be brown… And the hat was the result of the fact that the stores we visited had a woefully inadequate selection of hats (well, mostly hat sizes) so that the hat I bought is the only one I would even have considered buying. For Christmas, I expect to get platform shoes and a ticket to Australia. So, of course, my plan culminates in murdering Ben Crosshaw in his sleep and stealing his life. The hard part will be getting that delightful accent down. Or maybe the hard part will be learning to curse at a rate of three words per second…

I also had a colonoscopy last week. The prep for it is torturous (mostly because it involves fasting for an entire day) but the procedure itself is no problem at all because the anesthesia is really good. I think the thing I remember most about my colonoscopy is that the anesthesia is really good. My mother has told me the doctor said “everything looked great” which is a diagnosis that I don’t think I’ve ever had before, and it probably means I can get my ostemy reverted pretty soon as well. Of course, the only thing I remember concerning seeing the doctor afterwards is that I couldn’t come up with the question “Did I say anything funny during the operation?” until he was gone because the the anesthesia was so strong. I don’t remember putting my clothes back on after the procedure, but I’m pretty sure they don’t let you leave with their medical gowns on. Of course, someone else had to drive me home because the anesthesia is so strong. Afterward I had some Long John Silvers picked up for lunch because there’s nothing more delicious than pure artery rotting chicken planks after starving for more than a day and having some really good anesthesia pumped into you. Additional queries concerning my colonoscopy can be sent to my email address at good_and_strong@anesthesia.com . Oh, I almost forgot to mention how good the anesthesia was. It was good.

Words of Wisdom for Idiots for today: “I like my coffee how I like my women… Fair trade.”
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