May 10, 2010 22:43
All of you can do whatever you want with your lives. And I'll do what I want with mine.
No one controls my life but me. No one controls my mind but me. No one controls my thoughts but me. No one puts words in my mouth. No one lives my life but me. NO ONE CONTROLS HOW I FEEL. I LOVE AND I CARE AND THAT'S THE WAY I AM.
You can only blame a person so much for fucking up your life. Guess what? IF YOUR LIFE IS FUCKED UP IT'S BECAUSE OF YOURSELF. You do not just blame others. You have to look at the fucking mirror and see for yourself. And if your life is STILL fucked up? GUESS WHAT, IT'S BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO KEEP FUCKING IT UP!
I'm done with this shit. Over and out.