warning: this was written in a fit of angst

May 17, 2006 17:41

i am having the worst day ever, in the history of everything. i am so freaking pissed at everything. i am SO FUCKING ANGRY!

here's a list at what I'm angry about:

- staying in Montreal for May in order to hang out with a particular person, and then being left alone by that person all the time
- taking care of her dog for a week while she's gone with her boyfriend
- cleaning up her fucking dog's shit every ten minutes because it's a fucking neurotic idiot
- cleaning up my dog's shit because she's sadistic and thinks it's funny
- coming home, stepping in a puddle of dog pee, going to the bathroom to find the toilet seat up in a guy peed here kind of way, freaking out because I definitely didn't do that, and then realizing that somebody had come in to fix the oven, and finally freaking out that the super realized dogs were in the apartment.
- the super coming to evict me and the dogs from Debra's apartment
- packing all my stuff again
- getting yelled at by some stranger who was mad at me for taking up three parking spaces, only I didn't take up three parking spaces, but had parked in front of somebody else who apparently had just left, and then somebody else parked behind me but left a gap, making it look like I was taking up the whole side of the road. I asked the guy if he could wait 15 seconds while I moved my bags (I had three suitcases, a back pack, and a duffle bag on my shoulder when he yelled at me about the car) inside, and he told me to "take a fucking chill pill, bitch."
- coming back to an empty, dirty apartment
- sitting at home, alone, for the rest of my life
- being uninspired for my stupid fucking reflection project for the fucking occult class. go to hell, storch. u fucking hate necromancy. and i hate everybody in the class. stupid drug addicts.

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