Fun adventures with doors

Jun 09, 2011 17:20

I just have to tell this story, because I know my friends will appreciate it. Especially Mora.

Last Sunday, I was swing dancing in Washington Square Park. I went to go use the public bathrooms there, which were pretty gross, and all the stalls were tiny, as well. In fact, they were so small, coming out of mine I didn't get out of the way of the door while opening it, and managed to smash the edge directly into my right eye. It left a small bump, which went away fairly quickly because I began icing it as soon as I could. However, it left a bruise that, amusingly, perfectly follows the fold of my eyelid. If I close my eyes, it looks like I have a thin line of green and purple eyeshadow. It doesn't seem to be very noticeable, since no one has said anything about it. If they did, though, I'm sure I'd get a lot of interesting looks while explaining myself.
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