23 Black

Jan 26, 2007 18:33

"Thinking about the possibility of winning money turns on some of the same areas of the brain that are activated when people take cocaine, eat chocolate or look at a beautiful face, Poldrack said."

Researchers were able to predict the subjects tolerance for risk by analyzing fMRI brain patterns. I wonder if that will have some sort of practical application some day?

"Carnegie Mellon University Chemical Engineers have devised a new process that can improve the efficiency of ethanol production, a major component in making biofuels a significant part of the U.S. energy supply."

Still a long way to go. At least corn is good for something . . .

"Angular momentum lost by matter falling into the center of a system must somehow be transferred to other matter within the system, and the net result is that some of this other matter must flow outward from the system -- yielding a sort of wind away from the center."

Conservation is King.

"Here's an interesting way to think about the spread of religion. Intuitively, it spreads like an infectious disease, so it could be modeled mathematically as a process of contagion, such as influenza or plague."

Sorry, but the entry offers a crystallization model instead. I like the first analogy better.

"So surely the privileged reference frame is just that one according to which exactly these things are simultaneous."

Let S = Singularity. :-p

religion, psychology, physics

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