Speed Bump

Jan 05, 2007 20:11

"Here are the Top Ten Privacy Stories of 2006 and Ten Privacy Issues to
Watch in 2007 from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)"

No real surprises here, if you've been following privacy issues. Surprisingly not mentioned: face recognition software.

"The team found that placing a 540 kilogram lead weight near the beams affects their path and shifts the final interference pattern. From this shift, they calculated a value for G, which matched that found by traditional methods."

Seeing gravity from a quantum mechanical perspective . . . neat!

"Bohmian mechanics is an interpretation of quantum mechanics which removes some of the probabilistic aspects of quantum mechanics at the expense of requiring faster than light communication."

More on Bohmian mechanics here. I'm still trying to digest a lot of this, but the mention of a quantum potential made me think of the aether article I posted the other day. Also, the highly deterministic nature of the Bohmian approach seems at odds with contemporary notion of quantum randomness. That's pretty interesting when combined with non-locality/entanglement - a kind of universal solidarity, so to speak, where the separation of "parts" could be an illusionary interpretation.

Singularity :-)

On a sort of side note: If a big bang model of the universe is correct, it makes sense to me that black holes would exist in a metaphorical role relating to conservation of energy.

Now, thinking of entanglement, an interesting thought is what happens when one part of an entangled pair encounters a black hole . . . ? The common understanding is that a black hole's gravity is so great that not even light can escape, but entanglement exhibits behavior that implies faster than light interactions.

Boggles the mind . . .

privacy, physics

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