Saturday I had a few friends over for game day at my house. Played several games of
Shadows Over Camelot, a Stone Age civilization game and another game with amoebas and genetic mutations - it was fun.
Today I slept in and just had a general lazy day. I tried to do some reading but ended up taking a nap. After that I muddled about on LJ and my rss feeds. Maybe it's just my mood today, but when I tried to read some of the philosophy forums I tended to drift off into blah blah blah mode. Maybe it's from getting older or my meds, but my concentration doesn't seem to be what it once was. Part of me doesn't care, but part of me is a little concerned. Or there is the off chance that perhaps the philosophy I was reading really was saying blah blah blah . . .
Tomorrow is my last day of vacation before I go back to work. I've been doing well not thinking about that. I've got several projects waiting for me when I go back, one of which is writing a feasibility document for automating some of our deploys. I used to enjoy writing documentation, but now I find it to be somewhat of a pain. Another project involves separating a tool from a set of tools into it's own application - that one is a Delphi project. I used to like programming in Delphi, but after working with C# and Visual Studio, I find I prefer the latter.
Right now I really wish I had some wine . . . a nice glass of wine would be good. I don't drink that often especially since I had that acute pancreatic attack that landed me in the hospital for a few days. They never did figure out exactly what caused it, but I have been careful to avoid most of the more common triggers since then - memory of the intense pain being one of the more potent motivators. Pity - it would be fun to do a drunk post.
I've been wishing that I knew of more interesting communities on LJ. I actually find the interest search feature of LJ to be severely lacking - for example I wish you could search multiple interests. It would be interesting to be able to see people and communities who shared multiple interests.
Sometimes I just feel like writing random BS, but a lot of times many of the communities here on LJ feel like 'teh internetz is seriuz bizness'. I lurk on a lot of personal journals and wonder often about who lurks on mine. I suppose I don't write very often about anything that is worth commenting and that's okay. I miss being able to write coherently like I did when I was in college . . . or maybe I just thought my writing was bad ass.