The Vacancy of Self

Mar 29, 2008 23:35

I'm in one of those rare moods where I actually want to write, but I am hesitant to simply let the words flow from me and take me where they will. There is this feeling that I can't seem to express, or maybe I'm just avoiding the truth of how I really feel. I'm like an old weathered rock whose features have become blurred from the elements and the passing of time. Days and nights blend together and repetition becomes a monotonous rhythm to which I indifferently belong. Steadfast, the same foundation that gives me strength denies me motion. I remain rooted where I am, a curious outcrop of solitude. All I can do is cast shadows on my surroundings.

I have lost something, and I do not know how to get it back. The wind does not care, nor the sun nor the moon. Let there be moments in which I care and look forward. Let some mysteries inspire me again. Let there be a force that moves me even if it breaks me in the process.

Uproot me. Change me. Anything but this.


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