Dec 28, 2009 01:30
im just as obsessed with it now as when i was 10.
i remember chrono was my idol. i wanted to be him when i grew up.
i told my dad that and he just piledrove me into a basket of opened scissors. but srsly flks
ive been going to bed super early and waking up super early. i take an hour bath while playin ds so i may prepare for the challenges ahead.
im in a new band called grow were a fast punk powerviolence doo doo band i dig it. we had a show in visaila yesterday and the drummer of hit the deck whom ive forgotten the name of gave me a free mr. highway 12 inch for wearing a get up kids hoodie. haha
my heart gets going real fast like sometimes. like when i was a kid and i thought about going on that one roller coaster. its scary but im attracted to the ok if the tracks break and im launched face first into the pavement. BLAMO. what a spectacle for sore eyes.