Fic: The Walking Supernatural: A SPN/ Walking Dead Crossover (8/?)

Nov 23, 2011 21:07

Title: The Walking Supernatural (8/?)
Author: daksgirl
Rating: R
Pairings: Dean/Castiel

Genre: Zombies! Crossover fic of Supernatural meets the Walking Dead.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Graphic sex, first time, bare-backing, Top!Castiel, Bottom!Dean
Word Count: 2,935 (WIP)
Summary: In the middle of the zombie apocalypse, Dean finally realizes his feelings towards Castiel and offers the angel comfort the only way he knows how.

A/N: PLEASE READ. If you are at all offended by slash male/male relationships, or graphic sex scenes, please for the love of everything, skip this chapter. You won't miss any plot; this chapter is shameless, shameless porn. Originally I thought "oh I'll just do a tasteful fade to black, that'll be easy." Then I was like "NO. I WANT SEX." And this happened. I'm so sorry. This is my first ever attempt at a sex scene, let alone a slashy one so…again I apologize. I even intended to have Castiel bottoming but then that somehow went out the window. It may also be the longest sex scene ever. Excuse me whilst I go hide in this hole.


The room was bathed in the faint light of the moon outside; outlining the two shapes on the bed. The springs creaked slightly as they shifted, and Dean had a brief thought about the owner of said bed who might object to what they were doing, before Cas's lips were back on his.

Dean seemed unable to stop touching; his hands gently mapping the angel's back as he ran his hands underneath the soft shirt in soothing circles.

Castiel had settled on his lap, knees bracketed on either side of Dean's hips as he made it his mission to steal every breath Dean tried to take. Finally Dean had to pull away, breathing hard as he wrapped his arms around the slighter man, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

He could feel the steady heartbeat beneath the skin along his cheek, and Dean closed his eyes, nuzzling his nose into the dip of a collarbone. Castiel exhaled shakily, his hand gently carding through Dean's short hair. For a moment they stayed like that, breathing in the warm night air, clinging to each other.

It was probably the gayest moment he had ever experienced, and Dean didn't give a flying fuck.

"What do you need Cas?" He finally whispered into the silence. "Tell me what I can do." The gentle hand in his hair stilled, and the angel settled more fully onto his lap.

Dean grunted he felt the shift of hips against his own, a hard ridge nudging against his hipbone through his jeans.

His blood ran hot and fast towards his own groin. Fuck.

The angel was shaking slightly, and Dean tightened his hold, unwilling to look up in case it somehow shattered the spell that seemed to have settled over the two of them.

"You." Castiel finally breathed; a quiet confession. "I need you, Dean."

His mouth went dry.

A thousand questions were suddenly on the tip of his tongue, but his mouth couldn't form a single one. Why do you want me, how could you ever need something like me, no-one does….

Castiel pulled him away from the safety of his neck, eyes liquid black in the dark, and he could see the raw desire in those deep swirling depths.

"I love you. I always have Dean, from the moment I held your soul in my hands." He said matter-of-factly.

Goddamit you can't just toss shit like that out in the open, Dean thought wildly, I'll start believing it if you do that.

The silence stretched on as Castiel looked at him, waiting, as Dean floundered in his own mind.

"Ok." He finally managed. He wasn't even sure what he was agreeing to. Everything, anything… anything just don't leave…. "Ok Cas."

He couldn't say it. He could feel the words in his heart but he couldn't say them out loud. Like somehow they would then have the power to take Cas away from him, like they had taken everyone else from him.

"You are thinking. It is…distracting." Castiel frowned.

Dean laughed lowly, the bed creaking beneath him.

"Right, no thinking. Come on, if we're doing this, clothes off."

Castiel moved off his lap, and a small part of Dean was disappointed at the loss.

Sliding off the bed the angel tugged the shirt over his head with absolutely no hesitation and sent the article of clothing sailing across the room. Before the shirt was even on the floor, his hands were unbuttoning his borrowed jeans, shucking the material down his thighs.

Dean could only watch, mouth opening and closing as the angel stood before him, completely naked and not at all self-conscious.

That is way hotter than it should be.

At Dean's silence and lack of movement, a flicker of uncertainty passed over Castiel's face.

"Dean?" He asked.

His name startled him back to reality, and Dean shook himself, standing to pull off his t-shirt as well.

"So um…how do you want to…? I mean…" Dean trailed off awkwardly, t-shirt in his hands.

God he didn't know what he was doing. He'd never slept with a man, not like this. He didn't even know if he could do this.

Castiel seemed to understand, and approached him, smiling gently. He took the shirt from Dean's hands, tossing it somewhere behind him and his fingers rested along the waistband of Dean's jeans, slipping slightly inside to gently touch the warm skin.

"Do you trust me?" Their forehead's rested against each other, noses brushing.

Dean swallowed again. "Yes."

The angel leant forward, kissing him with devastating sweetness.

"Then relax." He murmured against Dean's mouth, and Dean inhaled sharply as those questing fingers popped his jeans open and moved inside.

It had been a long time since anyone had touched him like that, long before the whole Lucifer shit-storm, and the fact that it was masculine fingers confidentially touching him, Castiel's fingers….well he wasn't sure how long he'd last. Together they managed to get his jeans off, and those too were thrown somewhere.

"Cas, should I be worried you know what you're doing?" He asked cockily as the angel moved him towards the bed, Dean sinking down with a grunt as the mattress hit the back of his thighs.

Cas's eyes glimmered with amusement. "I've been watching mankind for a long time Dean. I've…picked up a few things."

Dean grinned back. "Pervert."

He inhaled sharply as Castiel sank to his knees, warm hands reaching out to run up his calves towards his knees. Suddenly nervous again, Dean licked his lips and the angel's eyes tracked the movement, his own darkening further.

"If…if we're…I mean we need…." He jerked as those hands slid further, sweeping up to palm his ass. "Lube Cas!" He barked, face flushing red.

Castiel had moved forward, kissing down his throat and biting over the pulse point as Dean squirmed.

"I said to trust me Dean." He murmured against Dean's fevered skin, and the hunter bit off a curse, arching up against him as the angel slid further down, running his tongue into the hollow above Dean's collarbone before moving on to his chest. He felt the angel's hands stroke up his thighs, sliding around the back of them to coax them open and his brain short-circuited.

Castiel was going to fuck him. Oh god he was going to let him. Not only that, but he wanted it so bad he was aching. How long had they been working towards this? Months? Years?

A sharp nip of teeth brought him back to the present, and he groaned brokenly as he felt a tongue lick the reddened flesh, soothing it in apology.

"You're thinking again."

Dean threw a breathy grin to the ceiling.

"Kind of overwhelmed here."

"You have nothing to fear." Castiel murmured. "Not with me Dean."

At a loss for words, Dean moved forward, his tongue tracing the seam of Castiel's chapped lips. They opened under the onslaught, allowing Dean to take what he needed, tongues gliding wetly together.

His fingers trailed up the inside of Dean's thighs, and the hunter shuddered, fingers threading into the dark mess Cas called hair, gripping the angel's head in place.

For a moment the angel only teased him, waiting for his tense body to relax, and Dean pressed harder against his mouth, desperately grateful for the angel's patience. When the trembling in his thighs had subsided slightly, the angel pushed him gently further onto the bed; onto his back.

Dean stared up wildly at the creature hovering above him, and Castiel smiled; lips swollen.

"Relax." He whispered, and suddenly there were fingers inside him, sliding into the tight clutching heat of his ass. The angel's mouth was back on his, swallowing the cry that had threatened to claw out of his throat.

Castiel was patient, gently moving and scissoring in an undulating motion that made Dean feel lightheaded and dizzy.

The burning stretch of it faded after a moment, and a sure hand stroked along his flank as the fingers inside of him crooked.

Colors burst across his vision and Dean gasped as Castiel found that bundle of nerves inside him and pressed. He hissed and bucked his hips as the angel continued his gentle stroking, actually smirking down at him.

If he got any harder he was going to explode and Cas would have to tell a crestfallen Sam how his big brother had imploded in a ball of flame, all thanks to some talented fingers.

"You're a goddamn tease Cas." He growled, his breath coming in short pants, sweat gliding down his forehead into his eyes. The room was too damn hot and close, his skin too tight, stretched across his bones.

Castiel crooked an eyebrow at him, looking more than a little wrecked himself as he patiently worked Dean open with assured strokes.

Dean squirmed, wrecked moans spilling from his throat. The fingers shifted inside him, a third and fourth joining the party. The very same fingers he had seen exorcise demons and grasp a blade, were now playing him like some goddamn instrument, plucking at his nerves that hummed and sang in response. And Jesus Christ he loved it.

"Come on." Dean growled. He wouldn't last much longer if Cas kept this up, and the angel seemed to understand, shifting himself more fully onto the bed.

Dean gasped as the fingers left him, grabbing the angel's biceps hard. His fingernails dug into the firm muscle and left crescent moon dents, but the angel didn't even flinch.

This was it. They were going to do this. Dean's heart pounded in his chest, and for a stupid moment he worried everyone could hear its struggling beating; that it would wake up everyone in the house and the tents outside.

Emotions were swirling in his chest, and Dean struggled under them, needing the angel to understand, to know.

"Cas?" His voice sounded strange even to his ears, broken and needy.

The angel kissed him again, and Dean dug his fingers harder into his arms, trying to anchor himself to the moment. To reassure himself that this was real.

"I'm here Dean." He murmured, his rich baritone doing absolutely nothing to calm the fire racing through Dean's body. The angel was kneeling between his spread thighs, making room for himself, and Dean's body sang with the expectation of what was to come.

Dean felt so very vulnerable, spread out before the angel, to do with as he pleased. There would be no going back from this, never, and Dean found himself weak at the thought.

Castiel's hands were tilting his hips forward and Dean started as he felt something soft slide under his ass. A pillow. Cas, you magnificent bastard. Dean breathed deeply, trying to calm himself and make sense of his swirling emotions.

"You know, don't you Cas?" He finally ground, his breath hitching as he felt the hard nudge of the angel against him. "You gotta know. I…I'm not good at this. But…you know right?"

Castiel shushed him with a kiss, and Dean could feel the gentleness in it, the absolute and complete affection that made him want to cling to the angel and never let go.

"I know Dean." He whispered against his cheek, lips moving forward to ghost over his brow, moving down to place a feather light kiss over each eye lid. "I know."

It was too much, too heartbreakingly tender, and Dean shifted his hips against the angel, suddenly smiling wickedly.

"Come on then." He challenged, suddenly needing the angel to just take. To pound him until he couldn't remember his name, until he could forget about the apocalypse and everything; until the tightening in his chest, every time he looked at the stupid angel, just went away.

Castiel wasn't about to let him off that easily, and instead kissed him again, slowly easing his way, inch by agonizing inch, into the hunter's body.

Dean threw his head back; eyes squeezed shut and mouth gasping as the angel pushed inside him.

When he was fully seated within him, Castiel paused, kissing any part of Dean's face he could reach, whispering words of endearment and encouragement.

The ache and burn of something too large in a place it shouldn't be, eased, and Dean exhaled shakily, relaxing slowly. Castiel still didn't move, his hands gliding in soothing circles along the outside of Dean's spread thighs.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly, and Dean felt his body jerk at the complete and utter broken rasp in his voice.

Dean had done that. He was undoing the angel's grief-stricken emptiness and filling it with himself.

Dean managed a jerky nod, not trusting himself to speak. He shifted his hips and felt Castiel jerk inside him; the angel gasping sharply above him. Slowly he thrust his hips forward, and the dull ache suddenly morphed into something much better; something amazing.

Dean was breathing heavily again, eyes slightly unfocused as the angel moved slowly, withdrawing, and then pushing deeper into his body.

His face flushed as Castiel braced his arms on either side of Dean's shoulders, hips forcing Dean to spread his thighs wider. His eyes widened and he choked off a whimper, eyes squeezing shut as his legs lifted instinctively when the angel pulled at them, wrapping around the narrow hips pushing into him. Dean's fists bunched in the rough blanket beneath him, cheeks flushed a deep red at the new position.

Jesus Christ this is hot. He had expected to feel embarrassed at being taken like a girl, spread out like so many of the women Dean himself had seduced, but it was nothing like that. This was…this was…


His breath shuddered in his throat, and he furiously bit off his keening cries, trying to keep quiet as the angel thrust into him, touching that spot within him that set his blood roaring through his veins like a freight train.

Castiel was gazing at him with open awe, his breath coming in short gasps of surprise, like he couldn't believe he was allowed this, that they were really doing this.

Dean grabbed his head to tug him down into another filthy open mouthed kiss, just to stop him looking, nerves jerking and humming as the angel let out a wrecked moan against his swollen lips.

Dean's fingers carded through damp dark hair as the angel broke away, burying his face in the hollow of Dean's neck.

Dean gasped, eyes turned up to the ceiling as Castiel's hips rolled, the pace quickening. His breath was coming in small pants and groans, and he bit his lower lip fiercely trying to stifle the sounds. Hershel probably wouldn't take too kindly to discovering two dudes bumping uglies in his bedroom, but he found himself not really caring.

The angel was murmuring nonsense; words in a language Dean didn't know, and he found himself responding, gasping words into the darkness of the room. He could hear things like yes, like that, please don't stop, come on…

Those slim hips continued to snap into him, and he could feel he was close; his nerves lit up, fire racing along his skin and sparking behind his eyes.

By the way the angel's hips stuttered, he wasn't far behind, and Dean urged him on, lips pressed to his ear as he panted into the curve of Dean's shoulder. The angel mouthed the delicate skin at the base of his throat, and Dean was lost; biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as he came; blood roaring in his ears.

Castiel muffled his own cry, nose bumping into Dean's as he sought his mouth in the dim light, tongue darting between teeth to claim his mouth as fully as he had claimed Dean's body. For a split second, as Dean opened his eyes, he thought he saw the shadow of wings arching across the ceiling.

They lay still, both panting in the darkness and slick with sweat.

Dean's legs slid bonelessly from the angel's hips, splaying open. With a grunt, Castiel pulled out, sitting up to look between them.

Suddenly self-conscious, Dean slammed his legs together narrowly avoiding hitting Castiel in the face as he scuttled into a sitting position. He flushed a deep red as he came down from his orgasm high, and the reality of what they had just done sank in.


Castiel was smiling at him again, shaking his head. He reached out a hand and took hold of Dean's arm, pulling the flailing hunter back to him.

"Dean Winchester you will not hide from me."

Dean put up a half-hearted fight, before sighing heavily as the angel attempted to clean both of them up with something Dean strongly suspected was left over bandage. Gross.

Satisfied, the angel tossed the ruined bandage somewhere in the vicinity of the discarded t-shirts, stretching out on the bed. Dean stared at him with wide eyes as the angel, still apparently not at all bothered by nudity, lay down, opening his arms with a clear get-over-here gesture.

Dean blinked. "Dude we are not spooning."

Castiel pulled a very alarmingly convincing, Sam-bitchface.

"Dean, I was just inside you. I hardly think spooning will threaten your masculinity more."

Dean made a face. "Don't say that."

Castiel smirked at him, an honest to God smirk.

Great, he had finally corrupted the angel.

"What inside you? Would you prefer 'screwed you senseless?' Or perhaps 'made love tenderly?'" Castiel asked.

Scowling bitterly, Dean allowed the angel to pull him into his embrace.

"I'm not sure about the 'senseless' part." He grouched, but his heart clenched at the glittering happiness in Cas's eyes.

Made love tenderly, indeed.

"Well I suppose I will have to try harder next time." The angel remarked, and Dean's pulse jumped in his throat.

Oh hell yeah there'd be a next time.

Part 9

fanfiction, genre: ar, liz tries to write smut, the walking supernatural, genre: zombies, rating:nc-17

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