Hey Mom... we're NEVER going home again!

Dec 19, 2004 01:26

New icon!

That can be onii-sanxonni-chan.
Chris and I. Liek. Duh.
Pretty, ne?

I have a bunch of new ones.
I wanna try makin' icons for people... so... anyone want one, jus' request it.

And Addy, I looked for that icon you asked about for like ever, then realized that I got it while I was in Florida.. that's when I uploaded it, I think... but whenever I did, I don't have it on either computer... sorry! But if y'wanna me to try and make you one, tell me? n.n

I had the best convo avec mon frere tonight... rofl.
Absolutely adorable.
And... like... hormones happened a lot. *-*
Damn it.. I need to stop thinking 'bout that. Wow.
My onii-san! I love you!

Sorry, I couldn't sleep, so I'm here updating... I'll come back to bed now.

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