Mar 26, 2004 10:32
Woo hoo for my very first journal entry ever. Yay fun technology!
So chemistry test is over (sammi lifts giant universe size ball from atop her back and hurls it out the window)....the weekend full of outrageous drunken frenzies can begin!! (Sammi neglects to remind herself that she must still work this weekend, and cannot show up to work completely trashed......TO BAD!)
Anyways things with me are going say the least. For the first time in two weeks I can breath out my nose and hear out my I don't sound like a hooting cyborg. lol (do cyborgs hoot....hmmm...question of the day)
The chemistry test I just took went absolutely superb...PLUS there are no more labs in that class! Also worth mentioning about classes, is that social psych will be done on next wednesday, rather then two weeks from now. (Dr. rock my world!) My other classes are going well. I suck at pharmacology..but such is life. Gene therapies is probably one of the most interesting classes in the world and I love it. thesis is going so well, I could almost kiss that big stack of beautiful paper. (yeah..its that good)Work is going well too. I love my job! Just last week we had a dog that tried to rip his leg off with barb wire, a cat that supposedly had two nuggies but we only found one after 3 hours of surgery looking for it (for all those out there who aren't up to date on the vet jargon....nuggy means testicle),an escapee cat that unlocked his cage and attempted to go a-wall before his surgery, and the same cat with the one nuggy also held his bladder so tight that when we expressed it we shot urine all over the wall...(maybe not so funny to you...but to us vet techs.....we laughed for a good 20 minutes)lol I also really like everyone that I work with...they are fun lovin and enjoyable to be around. I especially like Sally...whose real name is Julie...but we call her Sally because theres another Julie that works at the clinic and she got to pick out her very own fake name. Anyways...shes the best...she LOVES to play practical jokes on people and she makes me laugh.
In other news....I had the weirdest dream this morning. I got up early so that I could study for my chem test but at 7 I got tired and went back to bed. While i was sleeping I dreamt that I got mad at myself for going to bed when I should have been studying and so I got up to study some more...(the weird part was that I HONESTLY THOUGHT I WAS UP STUDYING) I saw myself going over notes, working out problems and actually reading and copying notes that I had taken.(I WOULD HAVE BET MY SOUL THAT I WAS REALLY AWAKE)Then, for some reason or another I felt the urge to call Dr. Burns (the chem teacher) because of a question I had on my take home problem. So I called him...and like 2 minutes later there was a knock on my door....and low and behold it was Dr. Burns. So he was helping me with my question and when we got done....he walked over to Denas bed, asked why she was still sleeping, and proceeded to shake her to wake her up..because he said it was to late in the morning to be asleep....Anyways...i woke myself up from my VERY REAL DREAM...yelling NO DON'T SHAKE DENA.. yeah, I swear on my life, i honestly thought I was awake and that all of this stuff was happening. "blow my mind". But my sleep studying paid off, because two of the questions that i happened to be studying in my sleep were on the test. And, I am 100% positive that I got them right. (VERY COOL)
Other then that nothing cool is happenin. I did meet a nice boy named Josh via Conrad. (yes I know...too many Joshs) But hes adorable! and i like his he gets extra points;-)My niece and nephews were also up last weekend. We had such a good time...i even got slimed!!!Ahh...people are so lucky that I am such a good sport...cause I pulled green shit out of my hair for like 3 days after that..But its all good...I also got a hefty reminder while they were here of why I am not having children for many many many hmmmm
Ok then, I think I have written enough for my first time...Just a quick shoot out to the birthday people..happy birthday RIE, happy birthday Amanda ( i think), and happy birthday William, Josh, and Joey! I love you all. Love me....
oh yeah....and the answer to the secret of life is not 42!