Jun 15, 2006 11:37
Ok...so last night was the bomb! (highschool flashbacks rush into my mind as I sit here contemplating the fact that I actually just ...willingly... typed that line)
Anyways...I just want to again reiterate the fact that I now live on a beautiful tropical island (just a reference point for my further description of super fun night).
Yesterday was the last of our four major exams for the next two weeks-translation BEER BEER BEER....um and vodka shots. Dr. Reich (physio) can now longer force me to overuse my precious glycogen stores for my greedy neurons and I can now revert back to utilizing my average blood glucose. I no longer have to worry about protecting my "cupula pleura" while studying with my "friends" for anatomy. I cracked my additiction to being a microscope junky now that histo is finally history. And, last but not least, I like the cow, and other ruminant type species (although in a little different respect) am ready to drink/not eat the already fermented barley of my dreams-who says I didn't learn anything in nutrition class?
Last night we had a pre-game alcohol binge at my house which consisted of many many shots of malibu while trying to cook quesadillas...I-m pretty sure that the food was laced with my drinks-i spilled A-LOT and I did catch a towel on fire...all in good fun my friends all in good fun. Then we walked...laughed...staggered up the mountain (no joke) to Kara's house where we enjoyed pre-game number 2 while listening to very sexy boys play guitar and sing their hearts out. I LOVE sexy boys with guitars that stare into your eyes as they sing/play Tom Petty and James Taylor. God help me to hold in the drool!
After pregame #2, it was time for a ride--beer in hand (quick note about "beer in hand" although its not the smartest...drinking and driving is NOT illegal down here-the driver of the vehicle is OFTEN seen holding a beer and it is not unusual to have to kick bottles out the way when you jump in the back of the jeep....HOWEVER splashing AND swearing are illegal...but that is a story for another time...but just Know...both of those things will cost you money IN US dollars if you get caught doing them...ummm did I mention that driving with a beer in your hand is legal..yeah I did!)
so like I was saying we were riding to "Sugar on the Sand" the local karoke bar on the island. I LOVE TO KAROKE!
So after cramming 8 of us into a little mazda sunny(I did say 8) and bottoming out on every pot hole we eventually landed safely on the sandy beach. As far as the ride there went...heres a little insight: Ben was the driver, I was the clutch girl(try doing that drunk) because I was straddling front "bitch" seat, Bethany held on to the passenger door because it wouldn't close all the way, the backseaters had it easy, and Kimberely was the shifer girl because she was laying over the top of us (her and I obviously became upclose and personal, as you can imagine where the shifter was if I was being the clutch girl). But we made it there safe after two stalls(obviously I wasn't a very good clutch girl), some hisses from the townies, and one oil-pan later. Upon arrival at sugars it was evident that the nights events would go down in history. To start off with, when we got there poor Tom was getting in trouble with the undercover cop because he told some guy to "F--- off" and the policeman heard him--even without drinking the no swearing in public rule is f-cking retarded...so you can imagine what its like to be confronted when you have been drinking(drama drama drama...and did I mention drinking while driving is not illegal-oh yeah twice now). So we left him in the parking lot while we went down to the dance floor (he may still be there I haven't seen him yet today....hmmm) WE ordered up our drinks..ok the boys odered up our drinks and we proceeded to flip through the bible that is the karoke playlist! Chad and I were first to go with "Summer nights" which was a super big hit since EVERYONE was in a singing mood. Next was all the guys with " Country Boy can Survive" Then things got really fun with the fact the Ben decided it would be hilarious to sing Baby Got Back (A little info on Ben-6 foot farming white boy from Minnesota should do it) WE were rollin! After that-in our drunken stuper-someone came up with the brilliant plan that if we didn't swim immediately that we would all dry up and DIE-and of course who can argue with that? One little problem-Bathing suits anyone? Nah who needs um... We kicked of our shoes-some of us stripped down to our skibbies (not me girls not me) and we thought the best approach would be to go in anyways cloths and all. Not thinking #1) its dark and thats when the jellyfish come out and #2) we had NOTHING to wear when we did get out of the very salty (and eventually very itchy) ocean!
In we went---Now, I know I mentioned the jelly fish...heres why-after swimming for a bit, the king of sing=Ben (do to his new white boy debut of Baby Got Back) starting screaming bloody murder and began to race out of the water. Now...when your drunk and in the ocean and someone starts screaming the first thought that comes to mind is that you are going to be eaten alive by the huge great white from jaws(only tens times bigger with many more teeth and beaty red eyes because your drunk)-upon thinking this your first action is to run/swim for your lives(and to scream those very words like in the old corny movies). This is not so easy as an intoxicated person! Running in water is hard enough......running in water while your drunk and partially or fully clothed can ruin your whole your day......
So after tripping and half drowning ourselves we finally make it out of the water just in time to see Ben peeing on himself to relieve the buring sensation of the jelly fish sting. Now the other boys (always wanting to pee outdoors anyways) see this spectacle put two and two together and race over to Ben and also begin to pee on him. After discussing it today with minor giggles(none of the girls participated in the circle-jerk of peedum)...lol...the boys explained their behavior as "covering their "buddies" back" the girls however viewed it more as covering their friend in pee. None-the-less...situation handled adenaline pumping(and reducing our buzz) we decided it was bst if went home for the night...Theres a lot more to be said but don't want to type anymore. If your interested in the rest on the night feel free to drop a line! Peace!