Только после поездки в Италию, поняла что программа записи на CD/DVD "Nero" не просто так выбрала иконку на которой горит Колизей. Эдакая игра слов: Nero burning ROM - Нерон, сжигающий Рим :) Cool. Надо же было до Италии доехать что бы просечь....
Из википедии:
Nero in popular culture"...Nero Burning ROM is a popular optical disc authoring program; is a pun mixing the legend of Nero playing his lyre as Rome burned and the colloquial term for optical disc authoring ("burning"). The pun is more obvious in the original German as the German name for Rome is Rom (a literal English translation would be Nero Burning ROMe). The program logo is an image of the Roman Colosseum in flames; this is dramatic but inaccurate, as the Colosseum was not built until after the fire..."