(no subject)

Aug 19, 2007 03:03

i know that your reading this, because livejournal says we are still mutual friends.

but let me clarify something. Livejournal lies. Maybe thats why your on it so much, because you have so much in common. i meant every word i said to you. your a piece of shit, and i don't care who knows that i think this.

I'm gonna tell you this. Don't expect me to be cool with you. Ever. Because i'm not. Don't think that you can text me out of the blue and expect me to forget everything that you have made my best friend go through. The stick is still up my ass, yes. And let me tell you something else; that's where i like it. I'm dating M, get over it. Except the fact that i chose a guy over you. Because given the circumstances, i would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm happy.

And y'know whats funny?

For a split second, your myspace blog made me think that just maybe i was wrong, maybe you weren't such a cunt. Maybe i should break my rules and try giving you a second chance. But then i realized. You've had your second chance. and your third and fourth. and who knows how many chances i would have to give you to prove that you've changed. and that's just it. you haven't changed. And i for one am not going to waste my time trying to convince myself that you have.

I honestly wish that i would have been upstairs tonight to witness what you did, because believe me, defending my best friend would be worth getting kicked out of a bar. I'm not afraid to put her before myself. unlike you. all you ever do is want. And then when you don't get what you want? you bitch. and that's basically all your good for. is wanting, and bitching. It made me come to the following conclusion; you want to be a bitch.

And just in case you weren't already sure of it. Your doing a damn good job.

Fuck You. I hope one day you realize how much you messed up. And i hope that one day this will all blow over and you will eventually fade from my life completely. And when i say this, i say it with confidence that my best friend won't fade away. Because as much as you hope and pray that your gonna be above me. It will never happen. So you can give up.
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