Feb 24, 2004 09:42
Another notch on my "street-cred" bed post. I was sleeping like a little bug last night and was hearing funny banging noises. It woke me up and gave my little bug heart a jolt but then I thought... awe it's nothing. Probably some confused and stoned and drunk brit-pop kid knocking on out door looking for the after hours club in the basement(on the wrong night). I looked at my clock... twas arounf 6am. And I thought... no one would try and break into a place at 6:00am. Lame-o. That's when the people who work hard for a living start getting up and the sun is already showing it's face. Back to dreamy land... la tee da...
I dreamt that I lent our upstairs neighbour a movie. It was probbaly the most boring dream of 2004.
Woke up after 1.25 hours of SNOOZE. Got ready for work and left for 9am. But wait! I went downstair and side door was totally busted open. The dead bolt was kicked and splinted through the door frame. But they never got in our apartment because of the super-power force feild I set up when we moved in.
The cops were just here and apparently there was a rash of burglaries last night. He told me a I had a nice Irish name and that the ROBBER probably thought that he was busting into the restaurant downstairs and then realized it was 2 apartments and moved on. I still think it was the super-power forcefeild.
Apparently the business 2 doors down got busted into. I hope it is not the Wong's. They are so nice and work such long hours and mr. wong sometimes shows me weird pictures out of the Chinese newspaper (ie. the 7 foot Chinese man).
Mr. Lee the Handyman is coming over today to fix the door. I don't think I'm going to tell my mom about this. She's a worry-wort enough as it is.