1st Sandvich!

Nov 13, 2010 11:57

[Heavy woke up in a place that looked nothing like where he'd been prior. RED base was hardly this comfy and nice smelling. It smelled like MEN. Not... nice pretty flowers. But that was unimportant. He'd woken up in a new place sure, but he'd woken up in a new place sure without something he SHOULD have. Anyone walking by 307 Miller Street might ( Read more... )

new in town, sasha, heavy smash, who took my gun?!

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teutonictraitor November 13 2010, 17:24:33 UTC
[[No. Dear god no. There was no way--really? Please, please, please could this just be some sort of trick. Medic twitched the second he heard Heavy on the phone, and now it wasn't any different.]]

--ah. Herr Heavy. [[Somebody isn't talking too loud.]] I take it you just arrived.


dakka_dakka_da November 13 2010, 17:46:03 UTC
[Okay, so calling for his Medic hadn't worked. This was very disappointing. After running around for a bit, he'll head back to the house he'd come out of. Perhaps more answers there? He'd just have to look around a bit more.

But the voice of a certain someone has him going to the phone he'd discarded on the floor. Sitting on the floor he'll pick the phone up, putting it in his lap and bringing the receiver to his ear gingerly. Didn't want to break the phone after all. SO TINY.]


[Are your ears bleeding yet?]

What is place? This is not base, where is team and Sasha?!


teutonictraitor November 13 2010, 17:49:33 UTC
[[YES, THEY ARE. THANK YOU HEAVY. He doesn't answer right off the bat because goddamn that is loud.]]

Nein. Zhis is Mayfield, und some of zhe team is here. Your...Sasha...is not, for zhe moment.


dakka_dakka_da November 13 2010, 18:08:27 UTC
[There is a long silence... he's contemplating what Guntram just told him.]

Mayfield? What is nonsense, Doktor?! No time for vacation, we must get team and crush baby BLUs! [WAIT. HOLD UP. He didn't say... but it couldn't be true...]

... no Sasha? [He sounds almost heart broken.]


teutonictraitor November 15 2010, 00:45:47 UTC
Ve are trapped here. Zhere are a few BLUs, but according to my knowledge, ve heff a truce of sorts vith zhem until ve escape.
Und nein, Heavy. No Sasha.


dakka_dakka_da November 15 2010, 01:50:30 UTC
Truce? [He'll make a sound that sounds heavily disappointed.] Truce or no, if they do stupid things I still crush them.

Who responsible for teams being here? Not remember being kidnapped, Doktor. [Which to him sounded impossible as it was. He'd have killed anyone who'd try. And as for the whole Sasha business, he'll just drone out 'her' name sadly, and let it be. For now. Guntram has made it seem as though the gun was left behind back at their base after all. So nothing he can do about it.]


teutonictraitor November 15 2010, 02:02:22 UTC
Ja, a truce. [[Even if he and the BLU Medic get into fights on a near-regular basis.]] Und try to avoid killing zhem, if you can? Zhe results vould not be enjoyable.

Ve are...not sure. Zhe mayor und Officer Grady seem to be zhe ones keeping track of us, zhough zhere heff been a few incursions by ozhers.


dakka_dakka_da November 15 2010, 02:07:54 UTC
[He'll bark an amused laugh.] Results are not good for them, Doktor!

Where are those coward babies that not show face when taking here? May not have Sasha, but can show them thanks with FISTS! HAHA. [Because violence is the answer to everything. Obviously.]


teutonictraitor November 15 2010, 02:29:53 UTC
Zhey are, as far as ve know, unbeatable. [[Can you hear the scowl, Heavy?]] Vhich is, needless to say, quite troublesome for our attempts to force zhem into letting us go.


dakka_dakka_da November 15 2010, 04:02:58 UTC
But how you know? You try to kill them? [Because if you guys didn't he sure will.]

Big problem, but I am bigger man!


teutonictraitor November 15 2010, 04:11:51 UTC
It has been tried before, many a time. I vould advise zhat you not attempt it, should you see zhem. I do not vant to heffto deal vith you vhile you are droned. [[He sighs, frustrated.]]


dakka_dakka_da November 15 2010, 04:21:08 UTC
... droned? What is droned?


teutonictraitor November 15 2010, 04:28:22 UTC
It is vhat happens vhen zhe town takes hold of you, eizher for good or for just a vhile. Vhen you are droned, you are...not yourself. At all. [[He's been droned once, and it still creeps him out.]] It is also a method of punishment administered by Grady. I am vorking on discovering how und vhy such a zhing is possible.

[[Meaning, you get droned? He's going to have some fun.]]


dakka_dakka_da November 17 2010, 05:09:21 UTC
Doktor will figure out, Heavy can help if want. We go to this Grady and make him talk. Doktor will back up with medicine and I will hit him with fists! Best plan for making stupid man talk!

[Clearly Heavy doesn't seem to get that they've tried and failed to do something like this before. Violence is always the answer.]


teutonictraitor November 18 2010, 22:46:39 UTC
[[...oh my god why. Why is he having to explain this.]]

Herr. Ve heff already tried zhat. Zhere are people who heff been here for much longer zhan you or I, und zhey heff tried und failed. Just...avoid attempting zhat, bitte?


dakka_dakka_da November 22 2010, 17:15:55 UTC
There is saying of try try again, but if best strategy is to wait then we wait.


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