Award, Blog, Time

Sep 18, 2008 12:09

I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy. The lovely badgers over at hogwarts_elite awarded me an honorable mention in their superlatives! Lookie:

Thanks Hufflepuff!

I was political this week. I forwarded a petition for Women Say No to Palin! to a LOT of my friends AND I responded by sending my own email about why Sarah Palin does not represent me. Then I headed over to the blog where those responses are being posted and got all misty eyed reading through them. I hope you'll go over and take a look, and if you are so inspired, add your voice to the chorus. And let your friends know. And if you have any connections, let the main stream media know! I'm sick at heart over the thought of this woman getting anywhere near the Presidency. Publicity of this outcry might help derail that possibility.

I'm taking a personal day off today. You'd think a whole day would be plenty of time to sleep in, get stuff done around the house, catch up on all my email, enter a few contests, and read more political and economy type stuff, but alas, it is not so. I did sleep in, and I've caught up on some rl stuff, but I'm taking a break from email to post this, and it's not looking good for me to get through the rest of my inbox. Woe. I sort of miss the days when I could keep it all clean and tidy and up to date, but then again I'm enjoying the connections my overflowing inbox indicates. Apologies if I owe you a response, or I've not been commenting as actively on your journal as I used to. Time is not being as stretchy as I'd like.

Oh! Aside from political this week I was also handy! My dogs decided to foul the carpet in the back hallway beyond the point of repair. The odor had gotten all the way down to the floorboards and the smell was just disgusting. So I ripped up the carpet! and the foamy stuff under the carpet! and pried out all the staples that had secured the carpet! I got sweaty and blistery and back achy but I felt very accomplished. I would like more kudos on this than my family provided, as it is not my usual arena of competence. Please stroke my ego. tyvm. The offending floorboard will be replaced and a faux hardwood, easy-to-care-for floor will be installed.

Finally, I was also super!mom. Drove eldest and a friend an hour and a half away, to Northampton, MA last night for a concert. Stars. The opening band was Bell X1, whom I enjoyed even more than Stars. Great music, particularly the ballads. Though the "disco" (but not!) song with the marshmallow lyric is still cracking me up. We got home around 1:30 am. I'm usually in bed by ten, as I'm at work by seven, so again, stretching outside my comfort zone. Well worth it.

Ciao~off to eat risotto for lunch! May you stretch outside YOUR comfort zone today. It's rewarding.
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