I have nothing of interest to say. I'm just tired of seeing that Ragamuffin graphic when my journal opens.
You may have noticed I've not been commenting much this past week. That is probably due to a combination of factors. Such as: spending most of my home computer time immersed in one of
minisinoo's stories. I'm reading Special right now, and loving the heck out of it, even though I'm not a member of the fandom. I finished Finding Himself and started Dulce against my better judgment, as it's a WIP. I couldn't help myself. So much love for her characterizations. Also, everything she writes makes me cry. Which is a very good thing, imo. Also, read all her HP short stories, which are extraordinary. Really. Go
read them!
Yes, that is factor the first. Factor the second is I've been unbelievably busy at work, so have been spending most of my time there ::GASP:: working. Though I did get some sorting done today.
Factor the third: I haven't been inspired to participate all that much. It happens sometimes. I go on little loner-jigs and while I lurk, I tend not to join in. I'll be back. It's cyclical.
OK - back to writing actual letters of the snail mail variety, now that my hand cramps have ceased. Tomorrow starts the Olympics! Yay opening ceremonies! I hope for many weep-worthy human interest stories. I hope you are all well, lj friends, or at least as well as can be expected.