this n that

Oct 09, 2009 01:27

I'm getting back toward normal (for me)... but I notice I'm still pretty cranky inside. There is a decided lack of joy in my life. Big joy, anyway. I still have small joy.

I've been throwing myself back into work. Several trade shows coming up... one this weekend. It's a surprise that it has been my Upcycled Fashions that have been the thing I am finding the most success with business-wise. Odd trail lead me here.

It's been nice that in the wake of the loss of my dad that a few men from my life have filled in with caring and warmth. It's even nicer that I find myself at a place in my life where I can enjoy that warmth without needing it to be sexual. I have no idea really what changed for me... but I'm bizarrely content to be on my own without a romantic interest. It's been a year and a half since my last romantic encounter. I am still mostly disinterested in that changing. My energy is just going elsewhere right now. Into my work, my creative life, my daughter, my family... myself.

I'm in the midst of re-editing my novel from last NaNoWriMo... gearing up to throw myself into the month of November as a writing dervish. I am planning on finishing the novel the same way I started it: under ridiculous pressure from my own self. It seemed to work well for the first half. Now if I can get the rest of the darn thing written...

I haven't had any of the short pieces I wrote this summer picked up by any of the contests I entered. I think it's time to send them off to places just for publication. Apparently there is a service called Writer's Relief that helps find the right markets for your pieces. But it's pricey, so that's kind of not an option at the moment. Maybe on down the road.

Time to try and sleep... it's been tricky lately... I've been reading Rory Stewart's book about walking across Afghanistan, which keeps me from going insane when I can't sleep. One thing I have discovered reading this book... I do not want to walk across Afghanistan. Also... I'm glad I am not an Afghan woman. Good lord, the entire country is backwards as fuck.

That's all... night night peoples.
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