Oct 16, 2006 12:59
Totally exciting - TCN and TMV are now oficially on the lineup of performers for the RSC Ann Arbor Residency events downtown. Everyone be sure to watch for the promo advertising Ann Arbor downtown is putting out. It should go up this week!!! We are also booked for events for November, December, January and we're working on a couple of events for March and April.
I got to use the flaming broadswords on Thursday for the first time. Ken and I lit up in the parking lot with Smitty, Jim, Jade and Russ looking on. It was VERY FUN. We came up with ground rule son how to use them (note to future users - you can't take them at a decline or you get singed fingers..) Jim did promo phots for us and we darn near went through a whole gallon of kerosene playing around. Now to get to the writing of the fight we're doing for the end of the year... you know..actually prepare and be practiced before an event.
The swords look totally cool and we're working on a specific plan to develop some other fighters in the area who do it as well. That way we have a larger newtwork of people to play with. Russ is into it and I am hoping that I can get Smitty interested too. I'm also looking forward to geting another fight up with Anne for the 29th. It should be pretty cool and I keep hoping that Russ and Smitty will finish their rapier dagger fight so I can learn it from them!
Hey - this just in - Chris actually tried to blame us for the delay in his getting back to Ann Arbor! That's totally funny becasue we had a contract all set and signed by the time he sent his email to Ellie :) Totally Chris and it's good to see that nothing has changed, including the outrageous lies and Chris blaming everyone else for his oun failures. It's really sad because it effects whether or not Ring has performance opportunities.