Mar 05, 2012 15:41
Had a bit of a realization yesterday that I'm focusing too much on my long-term goals (ie - getting a job by next March so I can stay in the UK) and not so much on the short-term goals (getting a part-time job now so that I don't have to beg money from my parents in the near future).
So today, I have been productive and I just wanted to document it so that I can remind myself that I am being somewhat proactive and not just hiding in my room and working on my book.
-Applied for two part-time jobs and registered my CV with after spending several hours searching all the various UK job websites for work that I'm qualified for and doesn't involve dressing in a corset and short skirt and selling cocktails to tourists (oh Gumtree, you're just a better formatted version of Craigslist).
-I have also drafted and emailed to my sort of supervisor for this pseudo-writer in residence project idea, regarding what sort of research I want to do with/at the Imperial War Museum.
-Sent a few other emails that I didn't feel like sending but did anyway.
-Wrote another chapter for novel #3, which brings the grand word total to about 54,000 overall and about 30,000 words for my 40,000 word dissertation due in September. (A lot of it is very, very rough but at least the words are now there and I can play with them and make them better.)
Unrelated to today's productivity, my work wasn't selected for my uni literary magazine. This doesn't upset me so much as the fact that some of the stories which were selected were the ones I repeatedly pointed were the weakest that I'd read, as well as one that breaks copyright law if we publish it because it includes direct quotes from a famous published author's book. There were better, much more original stories amongst the ones I read, and while some of the best stories did make it in, so did many weak ones. I suppose it just makes me feel like my opinions were invalid and that the time I invested in reviewing the work didn't matter because the editor just picked the ones she wanted anyway.
Ah well. Life goes on.
Now back to my unpaid job for the day - more writing.
how's that novel coming?,
we're going on a job hunt,