Sep 21, 2004 23:25
hey, so did you know that "northern swell" also meant "newbie getting butt whooped by a wave?" i have a bruise on my hip... and i don't remember hitting anything except water. strange... almost as freaky as the 4ft. metal studded railroad tie i pulled out of the water after it was decidedly following me down the beach. i feel out of shape and worthless, but on the bright side, i did finally figure out that the lifeguards will hold my keys while i'm in the water, thus preventing any further rust stains on my boardshorts from keeping the keys in my pocket like i had previously done before...
other than that, just another weird night. i went to go get sushi to go and find a nice place to study, only to go next door to my fav bar and have a pint of Guinness with the owner, get a short lesson on proper dart throwing, and hear way to much about how he loves his 4 kids but his marriage is on the rocks and he wants to have some company on the downlow. then he asks why i ain't fuckin anybody tonight... long story i says, but basically i'm still in love with the guy that i can't have now. yah, sucks, blah, oh sugarsnaps, stop complaining. thank gawd for mt. dew code red, the only thing that kept me awake in tesol class today, too bad it ain't kicking in right now when i have homework to do and no will to do it. so here's to day 19 in the water - may i acutally make it out past the nasty break unlike day 17 & 18, sheesh charlie brown, what have you gotten yourself into this time...