Oct 21, 2008 00:10
>.< I don't wanna go to tuesday class, I don't wanna go to tuesday class....
I'm gonna fail. ::whimpers::
Considering a C is failing, I'm in so much trouble right now.
I am apparently incapable of figuring out what I don't know. My teachers are always asking for us to bring in questions for the class, but the only questions I can ever come up with are ones which I already think I know the answer to. This wouldn't normally be such a problem, except Prof. Jacobs insists on such a method and essentially only teaches through it. Hence -> failure. ::cries::
This is so going to slaughter the awesome GPA which I need to apply to doctorate programs.
Is school over yet? Is it sad that I can't wait to have a real job?
Oh. Good news, however, is that I only have to take two in-class courses next semester. Stats is required, and hopefully I'll fill my last elective with globalization. Then there's the thesis. See that dark cloud hanging over my shoulder? Yep, that's it. I think I'm going to look at class status mobility in the military, ut I haven't done any background research yet to see if it's viable. I have a population sample in mind to study, so at least figuring that part out would be easy. And it would be something other than fanfiction. As much fun as writing a thesis on fanfiction was, I wanna diversify a little.
Okay, feeling a little calmer having written this. Now if I can just survive tomorrow....crap. Paper draft for evil tuesday class is next week. Guess I need to survive tomorrow and the week after. ::hangs head:: Well, I guess I'll just have to party my butt off for halloween to make up for the hellish semester. ^^ Bist du bereit zu betrunken werden, meine Freundin?