Kill me, kill me now.

Sep 23, 2008 01:17

Sooo....the doctorate level class (Institutions and Inequalities) is sooooo kicking my butt three ways from sunday.

O.O I mean, really. Oh my God. I'm going to have to sell a liver to make this work. I mean, I understand most of the readings and I can follow most of the conversations in class ( as long as they don't get too specific in the examples - way too many people in this class have done indepth ethnographic work in the third world and make me feel like an idiot when I don't know the political history of Barszil), what was I saying? oh yeah, it's killing me. >.< Oddly enough, the worst part is not the readings, and not the class discussions, it's trying to come up with a discussion question to post on the message board the night before class. I am aparently a failure at coming up with questions and I don't know why. The only explaination I can come up with is that I just don't have enough experience.

::flinches:: I feel realy young and small.

>.< Is the semester over with yet?


Oh, on another note, I really don't like this lack of health insurance thing - but in classic me style, the more concerned I am about soemthing, the less likely I am to do anything about it.

^^; I had a bit of a scare this weekend. All day Sunday I was dizzy. Like, from the moment I woke up, it felt like my bed was tilting back and forth. Nothing like feeling sea sick when you're laying down. While this phenomena is not too unsual for me, I've never had it last almsot ALL day! A minute or two, sure, but not over and over again the whole day! Nothing else was wrong with me, but nothing eliviated it either. ^^; It wasn't fun. Reading hurt, watching tv hurt, laying down hurt, standing made me feel like I was going to pass out. I was starting to get a little worried that something might really be wrong this time. I mean, I knew it was probably nothing, but it was kind of bothersome.

I've never been without health insurance before. It's suprisingly nerve racking.

Thankful it mostly cleared up by today! Yay!


Um, other than that, I got to shoot a bunch of zombies on the Wii? XD
Oh, and there was a CSI: New York marathon on Spike.
Yay for dead things! XD
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