So, as I figure out how I heal myself, I've come up with a formal Damage Resolution model. It turns out I've been doing most of this during the New Era (Era 10), and that I actually have done most of this since the December 19, 2009 Resolution. So, without further ado, this is the model I use to address abuse, damage, and Plates:
It is of note that I use a large amount of Tarmynology here, and that I'm establishing a ton of it as well (which I will capitalize). If you don't follow, don't stress too much. Additionally, it is notable that this model is pretty much impossible if the work cannot be done in Safe Space.
- Map - Outline a conceptual Map, even if vague, of the various obvious Factors surrounding a particular Scope: Histories, Interactions, Issues, Narratives, etc.
- Regionalize - Take concepts on the Map and group them into categories for easier digestion and cognition. This is also the best time to address Scope, especially in the expectations of what types of damage can possibly be Resolved.
- Identify - This sounds out of order, but take the Regionalized Map and outline specific Factors that are within the Scope of each region. This is because, oftentimes, the act of Regionalization is the only act that will truly open up the Factors that truly cause the turmoil at hand, rather than the obvious symptoms that outsiders usually point to.
- Address - Give all Factors on the conceptual Map Voice, so that they may be treated as legitimate, or at least propped legitimacy so as to open up the legitimacy of the base causes of those Factors. In many cases, propped legitimacy is also necessary simply to demonstrate the ridiculousness of those so-called obvious Factors. As a result, the Address phase is the first phase in the Damage Resolution model that eliminates Factors; it also narrows Scope.
- Prioritize - Based on the results of the Address phase, Prioritize Factor resolution by a combination of potency, urgency, relevancy, accessibility, and strategy (by strategy, I mean how critical a particular Factor is towards keeping the logic of the damage intact). Extremely low-Priority Factors should be either discarded for ridiculousness or tabled for a better Angle.
- Plan - Taking the remaining Priorities, formulate a Flowchart. One should expect the Flowchart to be heavily amended during the Damage Resolution process. You may recursively use the Damage Resolution model to address any processing point within the Flowchart. If a Flowchart is not viable, regress backward any number of steps on this model until a Flowchart can be reasonably conceptualized.
- Engage - Begin work on the completion of all tasks and goals regarding the Flowchart. When unforeseen circumstances arise, amend the Flowchart. If the circumstances demand the dissolution of the Flowchart, start the process over again and Map.
- Negotiate - This should be the final step of any Flowchart; within the Scope of the Flowchart, it is referred to as the Denouement. All lingering issues stemming from the Engagement with the Flowchart should be Negotiated with the damage sought to be rectified in accordance to the Plan and Prioritization.
- Resolve - Once Negotiations are finalized, a written Resolution should be made demonstrating the progress acheived and the steps taken to prevent further damage in the Axis and/or Plate that was addressed. In the Taryntory, this requires publication in my Livejournal, which also posts on Twitter and Facebook. It also results in the creation of a new Subera. The act of writing a Resolution not only keeps one accountable, but the act of writing internalizes the concepts necessary to maintain one's health. Additionally, a Resolution in the Taryntory mandates a new Map to be created--not necessarily immediately, but the general direction that Map would have to go. Alternatively, a Resolution may also speak of an attempt's failure (such as the previous Subera) to address the issue, and steps needed to be taken to move forward past the failure.
This is all putting together years of sociological, interpersonal, and counseling work at my disposal. I think formalizing it like this will be generally extremely beneficial, such that I don't get nearly as frustrated when I can't fix issues as quickly as I would like.