Catching Up

Oct 09, 2009 15:33

Today, I've finally finished mostly catching up with internet stuff before the time I usually like to get off the computer and realized I haven't updated this blog in awhile. First, important updates and then the randomness I know you all come to expect. And since it's been awhile, this might go long. Grab your favored drink and/or snack.

The Hunting of a Job
First off is a job I was extremely excited about the moment I saw the posting. Most teaching jobs require certification. This one didn't. It was teaching the Microsoft Suite. Something I'm very comfortable with and tests have shown I'm above average in it. I got a call and after a few moments of a conversation I barely remember, I was asked to come for an interview. I think I barely remember because I was so psyched. That whole weekend I kept making sure I remembered because I blew an interview for a job I had wanted (not as much, but still) because I thought it was on Thursday, but it was on Tuesday. I'm concerned that it happened. It might be nothing more than job search overload, but I'm not taking a break.

I did get the time to be there off by about 15 minutes and didn't realize I needed to hurry and get ready until I had left myself barely enough time to have a few sips of coffee by the time it cooled down. But I got there 15 minutes early. I think it went well. I was nervous and forgot to breathe a little here and there, but I think I did good to slow down. They said I should hear about the second interview by next week. Dave agreed I shouldn't apply to any jobs until Wednesday in case they need someone to start immediately. I've also had to turn a few jobs down from Choice. Also, after many months, Robert Half finally calls me with a job I had to turn down. Good timing RH. Good timing.

I mentioned some tests and having to turn down some jobs from a place called Choice. I had registered with a new Temporary Agency called Choice and the tests made me feel rather confident. Is it bad I wasn't too surprised on some of them? They were quick in getting me a few prospects. I even interviewed for one, but sadly nothing took. They are a smaller company, but they've done more for me than the big guys have,like Olsten in Arkansas. It might be there are less employees so I don't get overlooked as much.

A lot of time daily is used looking at 5 sites (not counting the few I get in email) for jobs posted over the last 24 hours. This means I've at least scanned almost every posting for Edmonton for the past few months. I'm burnt out on it, but I am vigilant. Of those countless postings, only several are worth me clicking and only a few I can apply for. The most frustrating thing is when it says I need my own vehicle.

So, there it is. It's been a little over a year since I started at the Brick and by January, it'll be a year I was without a job. I got the job at The Brick through Robert Half within 6 months of getting my SIN. But after that, RH sort of lost a lot of points with me. There has been lack of communication, confusion with all the temps on working hours, lunch, etc. You'd think even if they didn't have anything for you, they'd call every month or so instead of waiting for an available job. I'd feel taken care of that way.

But I'm wanting this instructor job. I know the stuff, I love the stuff and I love teaching the stuff I know. I expect to learn as I teach, which is a bonus. I also realize this is my chance to go back to school, which is something I've been wanting to do. I may not get to take classes, but BEING in a classroom again is going to be wonderful. If I DO get to take free classes, even better! Oh, and let's not forget excuses for using paper or digital things to keep track of students, grades, etc. Books, folders and highlighters, OH MY! :D This job would be my happy in so many ways. It won't make me less homesick, but it will provide more moments where I won't think about it. :D

It's Taxing Me
That's a LOT about job stuff, but that's the major issue on my plate at the moment. Now on to another issue: Taxes. I got a letter that was quite confusing. I took it to H&R Block yesterday and the guy explained that they're basically giving me an option to pay now and if I win the objection, they pay back the money. However, our situation as it is, I just have to hope that I win. If I lose, I pay more due to interest in the end. I asked if he thinks we would win and after reminding him what happened, he said that we should. It is a gamble. Greedy governments. I like the guy that's been helping me. He's very personable and he's so on my side. That's a nice feeling.

Geeky Horizons
For any out there that would care to know, I no longer play in the Star Trek Sim I played in. I found a good Free Form Role Play chat room that I've not had much time to play in. Which is why free form is nice. No schedule. Come and go as you please.

Our geek schedule has increased as well. Along with Wednesday nights, we now have Monday night gaming. There's also the occasional Friday night and Saturday. Geeky socializing is still socializing. :D

The Horizontal & The Vertical
I kept my distance from TV series. I refuse to get so wrapped up that I feel deprived if I have to miss an episode (again). Well, this year, I seem to have gotten pulled in (but still not addicted) to a few shows. I won't review as all will have different opinions. I like them. Don't tell me why you don't. It's fine that you don't, but don't mar my enjoyment, please.

So far, Vampire Diaries and Stargate Universe are the ones I can actually watch. Due to the aforementioned geeky socializing, I am unable to watch Heroes and The Big Bang Theory. I'm not as interested in Dancing With The Stars since Kathy Ireland didn't make it past her second dance.

Creative Joy
Well, the Being Creative Workshop hasn't really gone anywhere. It did, however, earn me some note-taking (hopefully good ones) at the job (that I want badly) interview. I changed the format to online chatting, but it seems no one is really committed. I can't even get people on the Facebook page to participate in anything. I want to inspire people (without pushing), but seems no one wants to be inspired. That's life and people, I guess.

Dave told me about some poster contest, but I never got around to it before it expired. There's a logo contest that LeVar Burton is having for some production company and I have an idea. I might just do it in Photoshop Elements, but I prefer to be able to do it in vector.

Speaking of LeVar Burton, I am more of a fan. I loved Reading Rainbow. I wasn't a huge fan of Geordi or anything, but that was cool too. I am more of a fan now seeing how he has the same heart I do about inspiration. He's a dreamer. :D He mentioned something about God creating. I did I fist pump hearing that. :D

I got to at least play for a few minutes on InDesign at someone's house, but still haven't downloaded it here to do tutorials on. It looks sweet, though.

Time Flies and Brooms Stand
Last Saturday, someone on Facebook mentioned candy pumpkins. I had a craving for candy corn then and fulfilled the indulgence. :D

So, perhaps that's why the Canadian Thanksgiving snuck up on me. I was thinking about October 31st already. But really, it seemed out of nowhere, without warning, people were having Monday off, dinners and family visits were planned. I thought I had some time! I was thrown off kilter!

Also, sometime in the past two weeks, I had a pretty bad dizzy spell. Yesterday, I did some research on the Standing Broom Phenomenon and now I wonder if I was sensitive to the axis tilt. I know it's far fetched, but humor me. Ok, well, here's something a bit less far fetched, could it be causing this off feeling?

It seemed it would never cool down, but when it did last week, the temperature dropped rather fast. Now there's a dusting of snow on the ground. It's also getting darker sooner and brighter later. It all feels like it just snuck up on me. Aren't these things supposed to subtly change over time? Interesting.

Randomness Galore
I haven't had to use the Air Conditioner in a couple of weeks. Then no fan was needed. Now we need to have the heater on. I use the fan (pointed away) at night for white noise, but the rest of the time, I've been enjoying the utter silence, other than the other residents and their general noisiness. I'm still grumpy about the excessiveness of it sometimes. I understand and can deal with occasional noise. But why have your volume up that loud? Why bound about like an elephant?

Not to mention these people in the house next door where people have been outside almost all the time. I can hear them talking from the bedroom. I'd think at least by NOW, they'd spend time INSIDE. Isn't that what a house is for?

I've also been taking down the sheet I use for a curtain by day to see the finally more exciting weather and to let some sun in to help warm this place. Our thermostat is set all the way up, but it's still too cold.

I still have some slides to make, but wanted to do a much needed (Ok. Wanted. By me.) update.

Finally, a product review: The new "space-age" pads from Always. Always is my brand. However, the short gist is the new stuff isn't better protection-wise than their normal stuff. The foam inside is like mushroom, and it is softer, but like I said, the protection value isn't better than the cheaper ones of the same type.

geeky, marriedlife, creativity, edmonton

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