Oct 18, 2005 17:07
I went to see my respiratory dr. today and had the full breathing test...after which I saw him in his office and had hubby in tow with me so I wouldn't forget anything if I had to remember.
Apparently my breathing is the same as it was in 2004, and before I got sick last month.
And that's without smoking, oh man it's not getting any easier...I see people on the street smoking and it's like I really get a craving so much, I really am amazed that I have gone for a month and a half and not smoked...but it doesn't get any easier.
I don't drink coffee anymore, it just doesn't taste the same, everything tastes different for that matter...my taste buds are super sensitive and most things taste really strong...I was alway's told that food taste better when you quit smoking, I don't agree with that, I find some foods that used to be my favorites now taste gross...
Even pepsi, that I used to drink alot of tastes different, it's really weird and I suppose it's because I have been a smoker for many years...Tammy quit smoking about the same time and when I asked her if food tasted different to her she said no, but she's not a long time smoker like myself so maybe thats's why...
We went grocery shopping after that, it's been quite awhile since I have been inside a grocery store, hubby usually does the shopping but I decided to venture out today...I had never been in this store and it was huge...I picked up a small turkey which was a little on the expensive side but we didn't have turkey for Thanksgiving and I have been craving turkey sandwiches...
I bought tea bags, I thought I would give tea a try since coffee taste terrible to me now, and I alway's enjoyed my morning coffee, but that was with a cigarette...
it's like a complete turn around, my lifestyle has changed in my opinion quite alot...I just don't have the same routine, and some mornings I just want to stay in bed...so much is different and that's just from not smoking...
My sleeping pattern has taken a kick in the butt, I don't sleep very well lately, more so then before.
I'm starting to get a headache, I think from looking at the monitor, that happens sometimes...
I think I will close this post for now, i'm going to make a short post in the future about the angiogram that i'm scheduled to have on the 31st...halloween of all day's...