Sep 02, 2003 20:05
It was such a nice day today compared to last Thursday. I barely even broke a sweat running around campus. Just as I thought my computer graphics class was beginning to overwhelm me already, I went to lecture today and it was like the clouds parted and I was struck with the blinding light of clarity. I think I'll stick it out for awhile. At least until I have to stop sleeping to keep up with my course loads.
It was overcast all day, but suprisingly no rain. At least not the torrential downpour I was expecting when I left class at 3:30 and saw what looked like a massive thunderstorm moving in.
Before my Web Accessibility class in the basement of FAC, I was waiting down there for class to start (I have an hour and a half between classes) sleeping when Dr. Syverson walked by. She saw me and exclaimed " what, have you become a fixture around here!" I keep running into her this semester. We talked about what classes I was taking before she had to go. She's a really good teacher, I hope I can take her Information Architecture class next semester.