What a weekend!!

Oct 02, 2005 22:07

Man!! What a weekend!! On Thursday, Dr. Valentine and Dr. Wierd came to visit! We invited them out for the family day cruise! Both docs are really big fans of President Ronald Reagan! We had a blast!FOr those of you who are wondering who these people are, my aunt works for Dr. Valentine in FL. I have met him a few times here and there when I lived there and when I went home, but this trip, I really got to get to konw him. Both docs were a lot of fun to hang out with and really great people! The first day they got in, I picked them up at the airport and took them over to Coronado to see the ship and base. Then we went and checked them in at the Miramar Inn. If anyone has company that needs to stay at a hotel, take them there! The rooms are super super nice! The room that I got for the docs had a 42 inch plasma TV in it, with a full kitchen, 2 queen size beds,and a really nice bathroom! The price was great also!! Anyways, after getting them set in their room, we went to my house and picked up Dan. We took them down to Old Town and ate at a great Mexican restaurant! Its owned by the same people that own Casa de Bandini! The food was great! After our bellies were full, we took the docs back to their room and called it a night.
Friday morning, I met the docs at the hotel and we went to the zoo! I love the zoo and so did the docs! They were amazed with it! They couldn't believe all that diferent kinds of plants that grow through out the zoo and also how big the zoo was! We spent a few hours at the zoo and saw the animals that we all wanted to see. We picked up Dan after the zoo and took the docs down to La Jolla to see the sea lions! The loved it, even though there were pretty much no sea lions there....hahahaha...there were 2 on the rocks that were close to the sea wall, but the rest were pretty far away on rocks. We couldn't see anything though bc the fog was unbelievable!! Dan and I both thought that there was a fire at first, but didn't smell any smoke! The fog was just covering every thing and was just pouring in!! Pretty cool to watch! After seeing the sea lions, we went to the best Italian restaurant in the US!!...Bucca de Beppo's!! If you haven't been there, its a must! The food is AWESOME and the prices are too!! We had a great time! The docs were pretty impressed with both restaurants we took them to! Both of them said that"Thats the best Italian food/Mexican food I have ever had!" We took the docs back to the hotel to get a lot of rest for the long day ahead of them!!
Saturday started at 3 in the morning for us!! We got to the ship early so that way we could enjoy some time touring the ship before the rest of the families got on and the hall ways would be packed!! Dan took us on a great tour of the ship! I have been on it a million times, but I still like going on them to see how much I know about the ship and I also learn something new almost everytime! This time Dan got a hook up and we got to go in medical and see all the patient rooms, the OR, x-ray machines and other cool things! The docs were pretty impressed, along with myself!The family day cruise was fun, but the VA cruise was a lot better! This time they didn't land any jets, but they did land a helicoptor! That was kind of cool. We also got to see sea lions hanging around on the markers, and we saw dolphins too! The dolphins were pretty cool!! They were jumping around and playing! There were tons of them! Very cool! After a long day out to sea, we got some dinner and took the very tired docs back to their hotel room. Dan and I came home, showered and went up to Temecula for Kailyn's bday party! We made the 45 min drive bc this would be out last time seeing Carrie, Jake and Kailyn bc they are moving up to NY!!....:( Jakes time is up on the ship, and thats where they are sending him! I know they will be back though since ALL of their family lives here in CA, but we are still going to miss them!
Sunday, we took the docs to the airport. We all had a great time and we wished they could have stayed longer! Hopefully they will come to visit soon! Theres so much more for them to see and to do! Plus, we would just like to have their company again! We really did have a great weekend! This busy weekend came to an end but there is still another one ahead of us! Dan's mom is coming to visit us on Thursday!
Well, I just got home from babysitting, and I am pretty tired! Talk to you later....oh if there are errors in spelling or anything, sorry..I was going to proof read but I am to tired!!..hahahahahaha
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