Apr 17, 2005 17:03
hallo peoplez...... well i haven't updated for a long time....... well
here's watt happened... mario says sorry for everything but he doesn't
regret calling me a bizatch.......so w.e...... i have to prove to him
im not so he can say sorry....................... so yeah im here kinda
bored.............oohhh yeah hh yesterday we went on a study for AP
HISTORY mission...... it was me, jessica, mayrim, and james...... we
went to barnes and nobles.... we ended up reading manga..... i got to
read the 5th chobits manga..... it was awesome...... then we went to
eat at this restaurant and our waiter had really pretty eyes..... they
were like light green........real nice so we told him lol..... i think
we scared him away cuz then they changed waiters to this grl who had
wayyyyyy to much eyeshadow on....... and james should now
lol..........we were going crazy we couldnt stop laughing and we made
sooo many jokes...... im telling u when ur with me every1 goes
nuts.....lol............its tru........ then we decided to go to the
movies..... but at the new movie theater there were no good
movies...... so we walked to town n country like a block away.... on
the way we took pic's........ it was soooo funn..... lol we were waving
to a whole bunch of people on the street and some waved back... i didnt
kno we had so many mean and few nice people in miami lol.......... so
then when we got to town n country we say constantine..... it had
already started but w.e it was kool....... then miguel called and i was
like oohhh hey long time no talk (during the movie) im watching a
movie....... he was like ohhh lol kool me 2 im with my gf......... i
was like ohh kool u gotta call me again sometime fill me up about ur
life....... he was like np enjoy the movie.... thnx... bye.......that's
it.... i haven't spoken to that kid in a while...... he's a kool kid
but my bf doesn't like him , neither does my brother..... lol.
but i mean hes fine with me......... so yeah then we all went
home............... man that was a fun day..... but next time we are
seriously gonna study.... no playing around ::cough cough::.... i
hope...lol......but omg AP EXAMS ARE TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH they r going to drive me crazy but today
imma kool down lol and play ragnakok all day long with my baby mario...
I LOVE YOU BABY!!!! okie dokiez bu byez