Wow, it's........ A pony story!

Jan 20, 2009 13:11

So the lack of ponyplay has made me succumb to attempting to write a story. I hope you enjoy it. perhaps after it's written out completely, I'll spellcheck it and add more meat to it so it's not so basic of a story or an idea for a story.

Keep in mind, I don't write stories and I'm really making this up as I am typing. I have 45 minutes to kill, so I'd thought I'd treat you with a pony story. Hope it's not too dull.

In this story there are no real solid animals the way we know them. There are animals, but they are more humanoid with animal features (fish people, bird people, reptile people, cow and horse people they don't wear costumes to be what they are, they just naturally have certain features). the full humans of course are like we are. some want to exploit them, some wish to just leave them alone in nature, and some are deviant about the whole thing. There are no cars, or planes during this time period, but there are boats, and animal powered equpment. Science and the health industry is also doing quite well and is a bit farther along than we are. Now, on with the story:


In a world where animals and people are one and the same...

the dun colored equisapien, Stormy woke up on the forest floor. She stretched her long carmel legs and pulled herself up on her two dark hooves. She smelled the air, there was an odd scent she didn't recognize. She's been wandering the countryside for months by herself after making a very non-pony choice of leaving her small quiet herd in the desert plains in search of greater adventures.

Now she was far from home, and the storm from last night had drove her further into the strange forest. Her tummy gurgled and she realized it was time to find something to eat around here.

She nosed around smelling the various plants with her horse-like face. Stormy eventually came to a clearing of willow trees growing alongside a brook and some berry bushes. She crouched down and started eating them directly, as she had hooves for hands.

After filling up on berries, remaining crouched and using her front hooves as well, she crawled down to the brook and lowered her head to drink the cool sweet water. She took big gulps and raised her head from time to time. She couldn't shake the strange thought that something was odd about the day. over that last few months, the only adventure she she's been able to experience has been with the weather, nearly starving, and that one time with the lady starling who kept on swooping down to discourage Stormy from cutting through mother starling's terriroy and her well hidden nest. She sighed as she lay in the shaded grass under the willow trees.

Normally she'd be more on edge from being in this new strange forest, the odd smell in the air, and the odd feeling she keeps on getting, but She's been wandering for so long, and this is the most soothing place she has come across for quite some time.

Stormy must have drifted off because a faint but beautiful sound woke her up. She opened her eyes and quietly listened. It didn't sound like any bird she has ever heard before, and the notes carried on longer and lower than birds normally make. She decided to get up on her walking legs and find out since she was rested and fed.

She walked through the forest and came to an actual dirt trail, the sound was getting louder, but stepping onto the trail meant she might be seen by someone. She remembers her mother once told her never let a full human find you, for they do devious and horrid things to the fellow creatures and envrionments around them. She has never actually seen a human, but she hears they look similar to an equisapien.

Her heart leapt, half in fear and half in excitement. She's always kept her mother's advice to heartand has been raised with the fear of humans in her, but she wants to so desperately see one for herself.

She decides to play it safe and stays off the trail, but continues the search for the sounds origin. A few minutes later, she descovers the source of the music coming behind a large bush. She cautiously and quietly approaches the bush, slowly peering through it so as not to be seen. There sitting on a large tree root, under an old oak is the strangest creature ever whitnessed. It looks like her, but it is covered and wrapped in colorful things. The creature holds a device that appears to have been made out of a straight hollowed branch in it's hands. It blows through one of the end sides andthe pretty sound comes out.

"This creature is indeed strange, this must be a human." She thought as she notes the short blunt face, and lack of ears (Perhaps they are covered by the lady's long golden hair?). Stormy studies the odd lady's hands again. How strange they are. She looks down at her upper hooves again and begins to admire the odd lady and all her fantastic human features.

"I wonder what all she could do with those.....hands of hers." Stormy's dark brown eyes trail to the woman's bare feet. She leans a little farther out to get a better view of them but shakes the bush just enough to notice.

The human lady stops blowing into the flute and lowers it down and she asks, "Who's there?" she pauses for a moment longer before adding, "Shelby, is that you?"

Stormy doen't understand human words, though her herd speaks, it only speaks pony. She wants to nicker back, but she's still too wary to do so.

"Shelby, this isn't funny. If you don't answer, I swear I'm going to punch you in the arm when I find you." The lady stands quickly and dusts her green dress off as the startled Stormy snorts and trots off. The lady, startled as well from the bush suddenly snorting and shaking, lets out a quick yelp then slips her sandals on and runs towards the bush holding her flute as a weapon.

When she gets to the other side of the bush, there is nothing there, She looks on to hear snapping twigs and other shrubbery shaking when the wind is dead.

"You Tom Peep! It's not polite to spy on a lady!" She lets out a frusterated sigh and walks away to go home and call it a day.

Stormy keeps on trotting for quite some time. She is unsure if she was followed, but she doesn't want to find out. The lady didn't seem all that bad, but chances like that are not worth risking.

to be continued....

human pony story

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