I hate to use these two terms (they're almost as illogical as "elitist"), but I'm going to use them, anyway; these terms are "dubbie" and "newbie." I'm a hypocrite and a total ass, I know. Whatever. It's our journal, and I get to rant :P.
So I randomly browse/lurk/post-on a few forums here and there, some even DBZ related. I won't say which, because quite frankly, that's no-one's business. However, there are a few really weird things that I can note, having been in this game for so many years. It's very, very, very strange... and sometimes even disheartening, frustrating, and mind-numbing... to see some of these things in newbie/dubbie/bizarro world:
- Faulconer ain't that bad
- The Ocean Group can't act
- The name is "Hercule"... not even a question about it
- The daizenshuu are (always) wrong
- (insert site I dislike here) is a good site with accurate information and news
- You're a "PHAILURE" for quoting anything non-canon
- (For that matter, canon vs non-canon seems to be HUGE... are we responsible for this...?)
- Why would I want to hear something in Japanese?
And my current favorite:
- My favorite character is Janenba and he's totally badass and whoops everyone and should have been in Budokai 3 despite the fact that I've never seen the movie in question
In summary: