Little things here and there

Oct 11, 2004 07:09

Mike here. Worked my crazy-awful romanization skills from the fourth daizenshuu the other day and started adding a few Japanese terms to the "Transformations Guide." Interesting things here and there. Beyond Freeza's forms (which are logically named as "furiiza dai ichi keitai" and so forth) and Cell's forms (which are pretty obvious), I cleaned up some of the text for the "USSJ" section (with the daizenshuu writing them out as "suupaa saiyajin dai ni dankai" and "suupaa saiyajin dai san dankai" (what we'd call USSJ and USSJ2, respectively, with the old fan-terms).

What was most interesting would be actual "names" for the four main Majin Buu forms. Check 'em.

My next little project is going to be for the "Tidbits" section (which will actually cross-reference with the "Transformations Guide" quite well)... the actual Super Saiya-jin legend. The dialogue from the manga is what will be mostly focused upon, and the big myth-busting will be putting that darn DBZ dub season 2 Vegeta nonsense to rest with translated dialogue from that episode in Japanese (long story short, most of it is just music, not Vegeta actually whining on and on and on and on). It'll make more sense when I finish it :P. In addition to actual "fact" from the manga/show, I'll also be including a few things later on in the section about popular fan theories, such as the later levels of SSJ blah blah blah blah. You'll see.

EDIT: Cleaned up a few things here and there in the "DVD Guide" and (obviously) updated "Ask VegettoEX." Also, go visit the forums to see some cool new Budokai 3 stuff (BARDOCK!).
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