Oct 30, 2003 18:23
When in doubt, put things in terms of music.
How does time work in comic strips? I don't know. But if you are talking about internal and external time... then the best way that I can come up with to talk about these things is to reduce them to music terms.
Internal time = Tempo
External time = Rythym
I know that the rythym part doesn't work quite a clearly as tempo does. But conceptually, it is EXACTLY the same as music.
Fucking hell, I fucking rock. That may be the one original thought I've had in my thesis. Good thing I did music for so long. What most people dont' know is that I studied music for a long time, and I was allways qutie good at musicology. I'm glad that people don't know this.. makes it far more fun when I throw music trolls.
Like my obesrvation that the seventh in every major scale is allways Bb. :)