Dec 21, 2003 13:29
I really don't like Xmas. It has gotten to the point that it no longer holds any of the magic or symbolism it did when I was younger. And since I'm not spending it with my family this year, then I am slowly coming to the 'what is the point' stage.
Everyone talks about the commercialism of christmas, and I wholly agree. More than aything, I hate the present thing. I hate the HAVING to get somoene a present idea. I like giving presents, but not when it is impossed on me to give one to all my friends on a rather arbritary date in the year.
I also don't like the idea that in this country, the days before xmas, and then new years means getting totally pissed. Or so it seems from working in a bar. Why do peopel feel they have to have 15 cowboy shooters to have a good time? Frickin' people.
Frickin' people. Frickin' people who go out on the streets when the clubs kick them out and wreck havoc. There should be licencses for consuming alcohol.... you can only drink alcohol if you are not a dumb ass. I have a feeling that the bar I'm working in would close, but it would make my job a little easier for a while.