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May 09, 2007 10:49

so things lately are interesting. everyone that knows me knows that (if it's possible) i stay friends with all my exes right? okay well i was hanging out with this guy i dated in high school yesterday and he goes and informs me that he wants to get back together. asks me out yada yada. of course i told him no, that i already had someone that made me very happy. and actually to my surprise he didn't go all crazy on me...rj was always very possessive. he was the type of guy that if i was talking to another guy he'd jump to the conclusion that i wanted to go out with that other guy or whatever. when we were together i always felt like i had to watch who i mentioned around him. it'd be like...i'm gonna use bandrik here for an example. lets say rj and i were dating and he knew that i was talking to bandrik online and that we'd even chatted on the phone a couple times...he'd get mad. over simply talking to someone! that irritated the hell out of me. i always felt like i had chains on (and not the kinky kind!) around him. i don't like being kept on a leash or chained up. him and i broke up due to the fact that we grew apart but ya know what? thinking back i remember considering breaking up with him several times over our short relationship (short meaning about a month). i get along better with guys than i do girls and if i'm going to be with someone they're gonna have to understand that. i don't expect whoever i'm with to ignore their friends that are girls...or any of their friends for that matter. i like lack of stress in relationships, i like being free to do what i need/want (as long as no one gets hurt)...that's what i need in a relationship. something that makes both people happy and is stress free.

the guy i'm with now makes me happier than i can express in words. and though i've tried before i fail miserably at it. and even though there is distance between us, it doesn't matter to me. i know that if we stay together that someday that distance won't be there. i don't know when that'll be but i know right this minute we both have things in our lives that keep us pretty...rooted to where we both are. sure there are things that everyone longs for in a relationship (hugs, kisses, etc) but when you find someone that makes you as happy as he makes me then you know they are worth the wait ^_^

"you can't fence time and you can't stop love" suds in the bucket-sara evans
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