(no subject)

May 04, 2007 09:43

so b/c it gets mentioned to me from time to time and i'm a naturally curious person i've been doing some reading online about exalted. from what i know, which admittedly right now isn't much, it sounds pretty awesome. lol i started reading about it, had a few questions and kept reading more to get them answered...yea would definetely like to know more about it. anybody reading this know anything about exalted? if  ya do, care to teach me? i learn fast... ^_^

however now i'm going to go run a few errands simply b/c i can't stand when people chomp their food and that's exactly what this guy sitting across from me is doing. uck that is so annoying. *claps hands over her hears in an attempt to muffle the sounds* ok will return later when this clown is no longer here.
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